Thursday, June 13, 2013

"Television on the Internet requires new reflection of churches" - Los Angeles Times

Television on the Internet requires new reflection of the churches, according to the reactions of spokespersons. “It is even more necessary not to talk about the thing, but the underlying principles.”

All TV and radio programs of public broadcasting since Tuesday to watch live via the website of the Dutch Public Broadcasting (NPO) and listen. This means that the Reformed Internet Kliksafe faced with a dilemma. The NPO website can not be ignored, as it provides useful information. At the same time is not to ensure that visitors stay of eroticism, violence and profanity.


This requires new churches reflection on media policy. Various denominations often indicate more than half a century TV ownership down. A range of measures must reject television, sometimes anchored to put power in synod decisions. It is possible that TV owners are of the church, no member may make use of the sacraments and / or under censorship.

no use

J. M. Referral, general employee of the ecclesiastical office of the Old Reformed Churches in the Netherlands, indicates that the scope of previous synod decisions on television ownership is still current. “We have always been concerned about the continuing integration of modern media. Precisely getting used to this kind of boundary blurring developments creates a further slide into a worldly lifestyle. Especially for our young people is a difficult time because they constantly have to make choices. Obviously reflection that takes place within our deputies ICT in collaboration with Project Media,’s interest. Whenever it is confirmed that it comes to life in the fear of the Lord. “

W. Kolijn, president of the deputies modern media of the Reformed Churches in the Netherlands: “Our church position is that using the Internet responsibly and can be useful. Our municipalities are calling for restraint and the use of filters that offer the maximum possible protection. We wait consulting Kliksafe, but in light of our view it is clear that the possibilities outlined great concern to us. “

The Synod of the Reformed Reformed Church has never ruled on television and the Internet, says secretary Rev. R. W. Mulder. Some church councils try “one direction” indicate, “but not so detailed that you must have. Example Kliksafe Pro There are boards who exhort in the case of television ownership. “

the synod of the HHK would be “difficult to bring a lot to say about it,” Rev. think Mulder. “And it is still the big question of what ends up in practice. You can find wonderful and deserved statements, but you should also be able to maintain such a rule. “

step of the public broadcasters is not unexpected for him. “It is not easy, but it is also a new challenge, as you might say. So It is even more necessary not to talk about the thing, but the underlying principles. You are forced to be content to talk about why you do or do not do something. “


Within the Christian Reformed Churches there are some municipalities that members who possess a television ward of the sacrament, says Rev. P. D. J. Buijs from Ede, president of the synod last held. The step of NPO not surprised. He “We need to be more alert. The difference between the generations also makes it more difficult: young people are elderly boss in knowing the various possibilities. It is very important that there is a piece of information given. “

It is increasingly clear that it mainly comes to conscience formation, says Rev. Buijs. “I often ask the question: Can the Lord watch and listen with what you are watching or listening to? In catechumens with calls should I do ask: What are you looking for? And then we go about it in conversation. It should be sure that the Lord requires repentance, renunciation of sin. I try to be. “

as concrete as possible

Ds. J. J. of Eckeveld, president of the deputies representation and informing of the Reformed Churches, was not available for comment. The Secretary, Rev. W. Silfhout, Saturday reacts with an opinion article in this newspaper.

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