Where previously singer-songwriters showed off their musical ambitions in a dark pub, his talent shows on television – X-Factor and The Best Singer-songwriter Netherlands – now the stage. Three questions to experts: Why is the singer-songwriter suddenly so popular? (1) Is television the right stage for a singer-songwriter? (2) And who do you see as talent? (3).
Presenter Giel Beelen
1) You see people again want to basics: we are increasingly opting for the ‘real’ music. It is a kind of wave motion.
2) At this time it is smart to grab a talent although I do not X-Factor would. Singer-songwriter with This is a singing competition where entertainment central. But it is a good school anyway. 3) Every time I am amazed by Anna Verhoeven. That girl is just sixteen years and has now been with ease the most out of a song.Angela Groothuizen – Juror X-Factor
1) Singer-songwriters know to address people directly they hit the audience with their music. That’s what the audience wants. It is also ‘in’ to be. Singer-songwriters Obviously, because they have all the freedom to do what they want.
2) Why not? It’s a good learning experience for young people. I always look for people who can stand on their own. Via X-Factor they can learn the trade in a pair3) and Adriaan Van Haris -. They are in my team – I really love. But Milou of fourteen years from Ali B his team I really like.
Eric Corton and Miss Montreal – Jury
1) Eric: They have never been away, but now people need to get back honesty and ‘small’ songs
Sanne:. Actually, the concept of radio has spread to television. For us, so it is not new – it is an extension
2) Sanne: Yes.. I’ve known for a cheese advertising, but that was not the ideal way. In these shows can show everyone. Themselves A better start is not there
3) Eric:. Of the eight ladies Ladies of the Lowlands I find among others Qeaux Qeaux Joans and fast-paced Yori Swart
Experience Expert Douwe Bob
1) X-Factor has seen the success of The Best Singer-songwriter of the Netherlands, the trendsetter. The concept is well. Outside the Netherlands is becoming increasingly aware of good music. The old music from 60′s and 70′s all coming back.
2) I do not know. But incase me it has worked out well. I would, in any other way because it works. Moreover, if someone is good, he is good3) Tangerine.. Since we had long been much more to hear. Although they are busy for a while, I think they deserve more than they get now.

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