15-06-2013 07:59 | modified 15-06-2013 08:28 | Ds. W. Silfhout
“The presence of a TV stamps family life and should be condemned.” Fotolia image
that all programs of public broadcasting broadcast live via the Internet, for Rev. W. Silfhout no reason to TV holds no more to pay. However, it is still more underlines the need for training and equipment.
The website npo.nl it since last Tuesday possible to follow. live TV broadcasts We are therefore faced with a new phenomenon: live television over the internet. Or is it not so new? What is new is that these are live broadcasts. You do not have to wait for uitzendinggemist.nl. You also need to hang. No television screen on the wall In the privacy of your own room, you can just watch television. Click Safe is a dilemma. If it is already technically possible to block certain live programs, then it is even here the question of how to deal with them.
Is it a rearguard action that reflected in our denomination is against television? In a way though. Our young people are the elderly miles ahead when it comes to internet use. Many parents will not know their children as they wait at the station for the train View Studio Sport via their smartphone. I am talking not only about other programs. So so new it is certainly not for young people.
Third Commandment
Television Property is strictly condemned in the Reformed churches. The General Synod of 1953 and expressed in 1962 reiterated that the use of television in families, or otherwise, for amusement strictly must be condemned and that the church councils the vocation to this use of TV with force, if necessary by applying censorship , to act.
The use of television was supposed to fight the third commandment of the Law of the Lord: the blasphemy of God’s name. Without about statements made by church meetings, it has become clear over the years that the use of television not only produces conflict with the third commandment, but with many other commandments. Just the many programs in which sex and violence are shown and so the homes and hearts pouring poison compete with the beneficial commandments of God.
was and why it is necessary with parents, for example around the operation of the holy baptism, speaking to go about dealing with the modern media. The resounding yes say the baptism questions requires honesty and sincerity, as well as to the education of children. With the advent of internet in our families this is all the more necessary, but it is also not become easier.
difficult to maintain
dilemma focuses on the use and not to own a television set. Though it is true that the presence of a television in the room rather gives the impression of a worldly lifestyle than having one or more computers that television is watched. The presence of a TV stamps family life and must be condemned.
But the mature green and watching TV on the Internet, though it’s not immediately visible, is incompatible with a Christian lifestyle and must be condemned. Internet and TV are no longer inseparable. Due to these developments, the policy adopted in 1953 increasingly difficult to maintain.
has now led for many years the TV could be held. still outside the families This has a number of generations protected-at least in this respect-the mundane and often zedenbedervende influences of many TV programs. That it is no longer covered by the developments now to ensure full,, the fact remains that there is a beneficial effect of the policy then adopted was based.
No easy solution
What next, now it does not matter whether someone in the house has a TV set or monitor only through the computer screen to the live programs look? It is not to explain that differently to someone with the old fashioned way watching TV and someone looking over the internet TV.
A solution to this problem is not so easy. The filter can perhaps even serve to pornographic and violent programs to keep at bay. Although we must not expect everything there too. It also does not seem to be difficult to bypass the filter. In many smartphones watched TV without a filter. The best filter is the fear of the Lord and a corresponding education.
Should the church use TV but then releasing? There are now, however, rather more than less reason than ever to keep families from the TV. We can not deny that watching various TV programs is at odds with a Christian life? There will therefore be much more emphasis must be placed on equipment and training, focusing on the responsible use of the modern media.
That is not something that suddenly is discussed, but always been necessary. It is only more urgent. In preaching, catechesis, community work, will be the requirement of God’s Word. Consciences formed In addition, our young people and ourselves bearing in mind what the apostle Paul writes in Romans 12:2: “And be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and perfect will of God and welbehagende is. “
The author is pastor of the Reformed church in Capelle aan den IJssel-Middelwatering and expert in the field of canon law.
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