Later, I can say I am anyway nice to have. The moment Alcatel Berlin in an old power station announced that it is the largest smartphone manufacturer in the world is going to be. On September 4, Alcatel CEO unfolded his plans for the company. And they are big. But whether Apple and Samsung do have to be afraid … well
The TeleVisie give the editors of All About Phones their opinion on the telecom world. We, of course, they all like to hear your opinion. Let me hear it! M Below is a summary of the televisions that were previously written:
TeleVision 1: Let the 16-cored processor but, give me a better battery
Television 2: TeleVision: Why is it always about buying expensive phone?

If you’re at the IFA fair hearing you have a few days the names of many people passing by. The name of Alcatel CEO I was after his press talk therefore actually forgotten all again soon. Candidly admitted: I was recovering from a much too long, unintelligible speech Huawei CEO Richard Yu earlier that day. The speech of Alcatel’s boss was indeed in my head. So when I wanted to look up his name, just for this TeleVisie I surfed only to Google. And what happened next is actually something that in my opinion can be seen as’ typically Alcatel. Now well defined
You can find at almost nothing about the best man. Characteristic of the brand. I am convinced that the majority of the readers on our site is familiar with Alcatel: that you have heard at least the name. And that it is originally a French company. But nothing more. Try and find out about the smartphone manufacturer. Again via Google some more information A lot wiser than they Idol- and Hero phones make you’re not.

The same goes for the search for that ambitious Chinese CEO of Alcatel. Half an hour, and a lot of custom search settings further, I finally came then go to the website of TCL Communication Technology. The company behind Alcatel. Alcatel is the brand name for which TCL Alcatel-Lucent has been licensed for use. George Guo called the best man, so, turned on the site of TCL. I recognized him in the photo. He is also called Guo Aiping. Googling on George Guo you arrive at what LinkedIn profiles and find on the site of a lawyer from New Zealand. Himself he’s got a LinkedIn profile, with already two connections.
“Alcatel is claims to be the largest indoor because they make everything. Poe poe “
The average in-law of just a reader on this site is easier to find. But George Guo is the man who will attain world domination by Alcatel as he announced in Berlin. Guo believes this is because: “We make everything ourselves.” Well, poe poe. To actually not further explain. The beginning of his speech was way too nice. “I know you come for the party But first:. Let’s talk about business ” About the party later in this TeleVision more, by the way
All. indoors making is fun, a guarantee of good smartphones, of course not. Moreover, there are other manufacturers who also do much indoors, such as Samsung which makes for example, processors. Alcatel there is still a lot to be done before it actually should be., But in the shadow of such a brand As screwing the smartphone sales. In Berlin Alcatel claimed it sells 50 million smartphones this year. In the fine print was however noted that other products in this estimate are included. As perhaps so ear plugs and chargers. Painful.

Anyway: out of nowhere a big player in the smartphone world is not impossible. Prove that Huawei and Xiaomi by now. So there does not need Alcatel to make. But it has to do something about the mess that the company now looks from the outside. For those companies knocks everything. That can not be said of Alcatel.
The more unknown, smaller brands it is nice to give. Background information in an article such company So you as a reader have a better picture of such manufacturer. With many Chinese brands is not a problem: all the info is fine available. That can not be said of Alcatel. Give some background information about the brand is actually impossible.
Look at the website. Since 2013 there is no longer news put on the site, links are dead and there is really no useful information. No, not even in the English version of the site. You do not come out who the leaders of the company. Site owner TCL Communication Technology is better maintained. There stands the press release of the phones Alcatel at IFA 2013 presented above.
“About Alcatel as a smartphone brand is actually almost nothing to be found on the Internet”
I’m curious how Alcatel intends to achieve world domination as it now stands. The Alcatel Idol Alpha is a beautiful but moderate phone and on the Hero and Hero 2 8 Alcatel presented in Berlin, is not so much to say. Self did Alcatel which is not indeed: during his speech at the release of the Hero and Hero 2 8 Guo hurried a moment about this phablet and tablet. Alcatel also forgot to mention the clock speed of the processor in the tablet and we did not know how expensive the two devices are going and when they are available. There you got it again:. Typically Alcatel
Just the things that can ensure that some journalists have something from ‘late but, on to the party. ” Our hands-on of the Hero Hero 2 and 8 you can indeed just both read and view. Partying at Alcatel way they can do. The company has a partnership with Avicii, one of the most popular DJ’s of this moment. And that was despite everything, just a half hour to run after the presentation of the new Alcatel phones. But those things had actually no one is. Too little info inherited, while the most beautiful extensions.
High time that Alcatel even going to do something about it. Her image ‘ They can pretty phones, though it is not all that special what they do, but the company itself completely sidelined with her presentation. A website that is so bad that Alcatel does more harm than good and a tough CEO who calls things but it does not support it. I guess PR people get the same itch when they see how Alcatel is working. There can be extracted. Much anymore Maybe there ever be, just maybe, still that world domination is coming. On her Facebook page allows Alcatel occasionally see that it is sometimes quite understand.

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