In Lebanon they do not have too much respect for suicide bombers.
You do not expect it, but apparently there are still a lot of brave people in the Middle East that not only oppose the Radical Islam, but those extremists even ridicule dare to make.
If the Lebanese television recently sent this video in which a suicide bomber laughed very hard. They make jokes about his naivety, his faith (virgins in the afterlife), are simplistic ideas, and even his appearance
The story begins as follows:. A beautiful young lady standing in front of a government building (or something like that ). She’s on the phone with a contact person and tells him that she is ready to intervene. Do not worry, she will be the suicide bomber who it exits.
Next comes the extremist indeed show up. It’s a pretty old man with a fat paunch, and a terribly long (dirty) beard. “Pull over,” he cries, “I’m going to blow up the building, say with the servants of Satan!” Instead of running away, the beautiful young lady looks old grandpa sexy, and she explains to him that she called houri – one of the 72 virgins that Islamic terrorists are going to meet in heaven <. / p>
She has come to earth, she says to the astonished idiot, to warn him: suicide bombers have a reasonable but somewhat difficult in paradise. Because they blow themselves up, they destroy their entire body. “Do you know how hard it is to do when you have no hands anymore? Your pants” she asks
The Man shocked -. since he had never thought about. What a good point, the houri say there! “What shall I do,” asks the extremist? The houri explains, lay your zelfmoordbomriem (what a word) and go back to an apartment where all your houries are waiting for you.
Osama bin Stupido shall immediately, but suddenly gets a gun in his neck printed; if he wants to come along.
It is not only brave the program makers that they make this kind of movies, but it is especially extremely important to do it . There is no more powerful weapon than humor . If you really want to damage the reputation of the enemy you have to constantly jokes about him and his ideas. Humor takes the fear away and lays bare the idiocy of radical ideologies.
Here is the video:

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