Infants who daily watch more than two hours of TV, have on average a larger waistlines. That’s the conclusion of researchers from VU University Medical Center, AMC and GGD Amsterdam from a study of nearly two thousand children. This reports the VUMC.
In adults, prolonged immobility as ‘the new smoking’ seen. In children aged five to six years old, there was as yet no convincing evidence of a link between health and are sedentary. Based on data from the ABCD study, a long-term study of the health of Amsterdam children, the researchers found evidence of health effects in young children watch as a result of television and computer use. Children who watched television for more than two hours per day had a large waist circumference
Professor of Social Medicine Mai Chin A Paw VUmc:. “We now show that the sitting behavior already poses problems in young children. The recommendation must almost have been: take your kids on time behind the TV, “
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