– 09/05/14, 09:45
© VARA. Jett Rebel at The World Keeps Turning.
column What would be left of the for love-seeking men on television if they did not occur, they are otherwise requires columnist Martijn Simons himself.
Last Tuesday was the television evening dominated by the males, which otherwise did than they are. It started at DWDD. At the table came dressed in dungarees, steamy, bouncing, almost foaming Jett Rebel, who had treated themselves. Behind the scenes of the studio a few greedy lines He sniffed and let his lips Matthijs see he had artfully gestift. From under his armpits sweat dripped into his dungarees. The conversation was about success and jumped all over the place (Table Lord was asking Philemon “? Are not high on the success), but when he started playing everything was forgotten immediately. What dedication.
At about the same time we were able to see how the American NPO 3 Trina in Catfish (BNN) with a camera crew goes in search of her true love. Scorpio is a dancer and a real hunk. Toned body, tattoos in the right places, everything. Only glitch: Scorpio does not want to meet in real life with Trina, and Skype is not in there, because he’s not that technical. That there will not be all ringing thousand call you naive, but it is especially sad. Trina wants, and who can blame her, love. The team is looking Catfish. (Drum roll). Scorpio shows no dancer, but a dorky single father of four children who do not really know so well. Trina is hurt (Hurt. Like, really, hurt. “), But still want to make an effort to keep up with Scorpio friends.
And then there was also the first episode of a new series of Limitless in Love (NET 5) in which the 25 year old Kim from Doornspijk in marriage has been asked by the South African gym employee Nathan. They know each other through and through, are madly in love and rock on Kim’s engagement ring glistens it’s a delight. Even the dress is finished. But then disaster strikes. On the day of departure, Nathan has announced that Kim but can remain better at home that he does not want to get married, and that he no longer loves her. But let’s not Kim when sitting, she seeks him still in Cape Town, where she is staying with his family, who lovingly care of her and even celebrate her birthday. If she gets her fiancé eventually tackle, and the conversation with him trying to go, he hardly dares to look at her. Kim gives him the engagement ring back, but they can keep them. No, thank you. Nathan turns except a heartbreaker too cowardly liar, because everything indicates that he has another, and it just does not dare to say (see twitter #gv for comments from viewers).
And so we got three insights into the soul boys, all bastards looking for a little love. Poor boys. What would they be without their masks? Not so much, probably.
Martijn Simons is a writer and columnist for Volkskrant.nl.

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