Streaming is the future of film and television. Yourself and see what you want on a by your chosen time.
Only it is sometimes difficult to make out the enormous range a choice. What song you listen to Spotify? Or which series on Netflix is the best of the moment. Cinetree do it slightly different. Cinetree is an initiative of Hanna Verboom. They enlisted the help of a group of interesting people who make a monthly selection of movies and documentaries, all of which are worth. Each month there is a lot of 10 An offer so incalculable, but also large enough for a month to get through it
For example, one who make the selection:. Halina Reijn Jelle Brandt Corstius Joris Luyendijk Femke Halsema Jimmy Nelson Jim Taihuttu Jeroen van Koningsbrugge and Nalden . For € 4.99 a month you can make unlimited use of Cinetree. There are also regular offline events to subscribers.
Cinetree is available for computer, tablet, smartphone and television via Apple Airplay and Google Chrome Cast. October 13, the service starts, but you can sign up now online
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