OVERLOON – I was scared when it became clear that refugees from the refugee center in Overloon had the infectious disease tuberculosis (TB). At least for some parents kept their children at home because of possible risk of infection after contact with children of asylum seekers. About the commotion and the actual dangers Councillor Willy Hendriks talks Friday in the Gelderlander Nieuwscafé in the Weijergang in Boxmeer.
There are more guests. Vincent Ronnes is there to talk about his grand café Dowager Boxmeer with the most beautiful bar in the Netherlands, according to readers of hospitality sheet Entree Magazine. Gerda van Galen, the new director of TV Land Cuijk talks about the future of the recently acquired regional television.
Marco van de Plasse reads a poem, Cora Leek talks about the book Belly Slider. Including on neglected elderly and prejudices: “Not every dirty old man is an alcoholic ‘
The Gelderlander Nieuwscafé is every 2nd Friday of the month in Weijer, from 17.00 to 18.00. Admission is free.

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