And we had against Iceland. And no one knew where it was. And Jack van Gelder fished his hat in the attic and he said, guys, I’m excited. And everyone was excited because we had Kazakhstan wraps for a few days earlier, and there were not any little ones more international top football
And analysts rubbed himself in the hands -. And that was partly to get warm, but also because they saw no problems. And the stadium had a running track around the field, and so did all suspicion that we were dealing with a bunch of crass Vikings and that would surely do their best and that sooner or later our finely tuned technique would be decisive. And when the folk came and when we saw those guys with the beards and Sjoerd Mossou twittered that the keeper of Iceland except goalkeeper producer of commercials was, and he added to it that Iceland has about as many inhabitants as New Zealand and everyone laughed ( because New Zealand does not have a professional club, so we could check) and then whistled the referee for the game and we played great the ball around and seal clubbers but run and the ball was too soft and we found that all have something touching and there came another ball that was too soft and when it appeared that all the balls were too soft and when we found lot less fun and it was so cold and the breath came in puffs out of our mouths and our leotards tickled in the cross and then came the ball into the penalty area and Pretty had ones to pop off course and then suddenly a hundred things happening at once and we were suddenly 1-0.
And then so it was a disgrace.
The game was barely three minutes when I yesterday – out of sheer boredom, because the girlfriend was elsewhere, the book was out, dishes done and Holland’s Next Top Model not yet begun – on Twitter the comparison made between matches of the Dutch national team, and Woody Allen movies: you know that they can be brilliant – that’s why you go down again every time watch – but often it is just nothing
Ninety minutes later I had to add that I prefer a hundred times touched Woody Allen film, see the sorrow making fumbling of the Dutch team against Iceland.. The musty smell of arrogance that all around the Dutch team is since Cruyff barely could snare his shoelaces nearly the television back into the living room. If under Hiddink anything has changed, it is that Orange again thinks it’s Terrible Good, while under Van Gaal constantly feared Not to be Good. Enough
Now I do not have much to compare them, because I late years the Orange Matches between the big tournaments routinely ignore me, and that’s not because there are now so beautiful being played football. Call me a traitor, call me a sports writer lick-me-jacket, but away games against Armenia, Macedonia, Transnistria and the Canary Islands so they could throw in my hat.
Yesterday I did so for the first time in a long time once a qualifying away match of the Dutch team
It was top -.. everyone who did not come from the Netherlands
Dotting the O
Icelanders may then have the infrastructure of a Gallic village at the time of Caesar, they have apparently also a druid at a stretch potion is brewing and everybody does his best, and in the stands they hit each other with hake on the back to keep warm, and as the number three in the world comes, throw them on top of all the other scoops a few scoops and at the sight of those disgruntled heads of Robben and Van Persie and Sneijder and De Jong – heads they only know from TV, and TV they know only hearsay, because only the mayor of Reykjavik has television and that is an old one, because you have ten hours on an exercise bike down to recharge the battery so that the whole city on Sunday can watch the news – they are even more enthusiastic, throwing their fur hats and bats in the dugout, pulling together of pure excitement to the beard and rolling over eleven dotirs
going 2-0 at halftime, and then. they forgot after tea (or the urine of a pregnant polar bear female, Icelandic national drink) yet to put
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The fans in the stands swished with liter bottles of aquavit and singing lustily folk songs.; Icelander is naturally rather subdued, but if it can, he lets himself go completely. So they had fur but rarely made it: the Icelandic people had not been so excited since Arni Fredriksson in 1871 on an empty Sunday afternoon a three-kilometer deep hole dug in his garden and thus invented the geyser
. After the game – on the part of Orange not even much armetieriger than some matches at the World Cup, but those games were won it – said Robin van Persie against Bert Maalderink that the defense had made stupid mistakes found Jack van Gelder embarrassed and looked Arjen Robben as someone who, after a world tour six months the refrigerator draws and realizes that he should throw it. pack yogurt
Finally a wonderful evening came Guus Hiddink, who was not angry, but disappointed, especially in “the early conditions that we entered the contest by that penalty ‘
Guus spoke about the state of affairs in Dutch football -. maybe we had there to sit and look.
Or a lack of gogme, too. could
There was certainly something quite a lack of been.
(At the same time on the other network showed ten models wannabe that just a lack of gogme could also be). quite amusing
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