The voetbalduel between the clubs Green and Yellow, The Knickerbockers, in which, as an experiment new game rules to be tested, will tomorrow broadcast live by PodiumTV.
the guardian organizes the duel in co-operation with the clubs. The contest will be six new rules applied from the sleeve of professor dr. Gerard Sierksma. The professor sportstatistiek at the BACK is the high time for innovations in football, with the goal of the game to make it more attractive. ,,The football is saturated. It’s five for twelve, maybe even a little later,' warns Sierksma.
There is at 19.15 pm kick off at Sportpark Corpus den Hoorn in Groningen. The access is free and at the entrance, the special rules will be handed out to the spectators.
Train lines
The duel will be broadcast live by PodiumTV. Gerard Sierksma and former top referee Jacques d’ancona will during the race to comment. They explain the new rules of the game and go in on how the players handle it. The broadcast is to follow via a live stream on the site of the guardian and the tv-channel of PodiumTV, for subscribers of Ziggo on channel 35.
The voetbalexperiment is under the direction of arbitrator Jesse Rozendal, who topamateurniveau flute. After the game let Sierksma, players, referees and coaches will shed light on the spelregelwijzigingen.
The clubs practice on the last training before the match on the new rules, so that they can be prepared. A wise decision, think Sierksma. ,,Some of the rules of the game require tactical adjustments', is expected of the professor. Green Yellow and The Knickerbockers act with the A-selection. The teams, playing in the second class, are well-matched. In seven games, they achieved both seven points.
The contest is not under the flag of the KNVB played. A spokesman for the football association let us know that matches by the KNVB to be organized, should be played with the rules of the game that FIFA and UEFA are prepared. ,,But if clubs themselves, as a race want to organize. We are also interested in which lines an asset able and which are not.'
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