The confidence of the skaters has a large optater received after the umpteenth farce in a short time by the higher management of the KNSB sporting interests are subordinate to money and ego.
the Earlier examples? The return of a World Cup in the last winter olympic, the declaration of love to Icedôme Almere as a new national schaatstempel, the cheap manner in which the report of the Commission Serve on a new bondsstructuur in a drawer disappeared, the lifting of Young Orange and the chaotic seizoensopening a year ago in Enschede (without direct broadcast tv).
In all cases, the communication towards the main stakeholders to be desired (or was omitted) and were their interests not or hardly taken into account in the decision-making process. Arrogance of power therefore. At the KNSB is in the course of the years an unhealthy, almost feudal culture where every dialogue out of the way going to and from a dictation of rules and decisions. The bond is not there for the sport, but the other way around. At least, so it seems.
The financial crisis in which the KNSB currently is in is a shocking example of administrative failure. When insurer Aegon in 2010, stopped as the main sponsor, had a financially healthy organization with a piggy bank of around six million euros for any setbacks to be able to catch. Within a span of a few years and despite the advent of a new main sponsor (KPN) are the reserves by failing bondsbeleid as well as dried up. Only last year was a recordverlies of 2.7 million euro ago.
After a reorganization on the large federal office in Utrecht, where the top was largely spared, work there is still to 39.8 ftes, richly much for a sports association. The total staff costs amount to more than four million euros, including the hiring of people on a project basis. That last one raises questions, even with their own supporters. In addition, earns the three-man board of directors (Arie Koops, Olivier, Smit and director-director Theo Fledderus), reportedly a salary which is far above the CLA sport. It is a sign on the wall that several bodies, including trade union FNV and its own works council, all critical were about the whole goings-on.
the Above was always far away from the athletes, but that changed when the budget cuts for a significant part suddenly on their plate ended up. For their sense and they killed the chicken with the golden eggs, and remains, the own failure without consequences. While the athletes are judged on performance.
The ultimate solution for all the problems? A modern bond with an independent position for the top level. And with people who are not themselves but the sport in the first place. Indeed, as it should be.

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