The decision is taken by the management board of RTL after the many conversations that took place with both opponents of Zwarte Piet.
Chimney Piet, who is with the transmitter now just Piet is called, has black smudges on his face because he is by the chimney. In the last few years is the discussion about Zwarte Piet, especially discord and confusion arise, according to a statement from RTL.
“For a part of the Netherlands is the image of Zwarte Piet is discriminatory, while others find that Zwarte Piet is an integral part of the tradition. RTL has understanding for both points of view, but also finds that it is in this discussion should be about the same, but about understanding each other.”
The discussion about Zwarte Piet is the last time, among other conducted in meetings that are facilitated by minister Lodewijk Asscher (Social Affairs).
In the last meeting, by those for and against a statement recorded in which a distance is done from any kind of threat, violence, polarization and aggression around the festival of st. nicholas, and is the intention expressed at that party, a party for all the children in the Netherlands. “With the choice for the Chimney Piet gives RTL content to this declaration”, says the company.

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