“Crowded cafes, traffic jams and family reunions at first official broadcast”, is the headline in the Limburgsch Newspaper on 3 October 1951. The smiling face of the first Dutch omroepster Jeanne Rose is the first image that the night before on a few hundred screens. The netherlands has a tv.
From Bussum today was 65 years ago, the first Dutch tv program broadcasted by the predecessor of the public broadcasting system. Television was our window on the world, was responsible for cosy family evenings for the pipe, with chips and a coke.
Everyone wanted to witness the very first broadcast. Viewers gathered en masse in pubs and shop windows of shops, that this special had furnished.
Also a radiohandelaar in the Amsterdam Kinkerstraat had a television set in the window placed. Dozens of children expressed their snoetjes against the window panes, it was becoming increasingly busier. So busy, that the tension rose.
“The audience had barely the omroepster can admire, or the police took the case”, wrote the newspaper The Truth about the situation. “Sir, you must have the broadcast stop. Brings you the safety of the traffic in danger.” Under protest of the huge mass, the screening was eventually discontinued.

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