On October 2, 2016 is the 65 years ago that the Dutch television started. When was the first official nation-wide broadcast on up to 500 devices could be received. Broadcaster and tv expert Bert van der Veer dives in the history of the medium with a sharp look at the future. The title of this triptych is: 65 Years of tv – Time for retirement? The first episode is tonight at 20.30 hours on NPO 2.
17 september: The News on tv
In the first episode of 65 Years of tv – Time for retirement? the news service is the central. Look at how the Netherlands, a daily journal was and how the news tied up within the zuilensysteem. That compartmentalisation had also its advantages, for current affairs program of the KRO (Focal point) and the VARA (Behind the News) distinguished themselves with ground-breaking report.
Yet it was the Dutch television in 1963 – in the twelfth year of its existence – not in the assassination of the American president John F. Kennedy in a proper beat. It was finally a telex machine on the editors installed…
Especially under the impulse of the News at half past six (presented by Maartje van Weegen and introduced in 1984) were also in the news more formatted; the real television programs. Another development was that the commentators, sometimes a reverend (Okke Jager), sometimes a monsignor (Bekkers), which is now trumped by the talk shows as a source for opinion. Thus, the respect for authorities. With the emergence of the new media is the nieuwssector like no other genre for new challenges.Interviewees in this episode o.a. Aad van den Heuvel, Rick Nieman and Arjen is Well.
september 24: The power of the media
The politics and the (radio)broadcasters of 65 years ago were not really on the advent of television to wait, but the large Philips did the start in 1951 by pressing. Then television was itself a powerful medium that pervaded in almost every home and thinking, and of the Dutch fundamentally changed. In 1963, the power of television proved impressively with the 24-hour humanitarian Open the village. In the years that followed would still have a lot of collections are organised, sometimes with great success, sometimes with disappointing results.
The combination of well-doing and price-winning certain the success of the postal code lottery, that is big could be the smart and large-scale deployment of television. The television did not board with themes such as crime and medical matters, but the attention to culture and literature was always less. Satire put relationships on edge, and when the death star proved to be the medium most suitable for collectively mourn. On the word o.a. Pamala Wiepking (university lecturer in philanthropy), Ria Bremer and Adriaan van Dis.
October 1: The viewer central
The viewer is central in the third episode; the viewer, who, dating back to the radiotijd, was a member of a omroepvereniging, but with the advent of television, more and more 'ontzuild' touched. The medium had a large impact on the leisure activities and even on the interior. Where the broadcasters first made the viewer but had to swallow, turned back to the proportions, especially due to the success of Radio Veronica, but also by the advent of the BUNCH within the order and the appearance of commercial television.
The observer was still more to tell. That there is also the public service broadcasting advertising was to come was inevitable. Also, the research into viewer behavior a high flight. The public became less passive and more and more part of the game. Often with emotion-television, the Netherlands proved to be not as sober as it was supposed to be. The question is how long 'linear tv-watch' still stand. And or the without the shared tv experience is still so cozy in the living room or at the coffee machine… On the word o.a. kijkcijferexpert René van Dammen, Paul de Leeuw and Alexander Klöpping.
The broadcasts are the listed Saturdays at 20.30 pm on NPO 2.

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