“I’m stopped at RTL because the news would be boring, but mainly because there is more than news radio surprises you every second, in a television broadcast, I was not surprised Do not misunderstand me;.. Television by all good people made. But if you do it for a long time, it is not so challenging anymore, “Hemmen says in talks with NU.nl.
the 53-year-old Hemmen was late May for the last time to see if newsreader Yahoo! News . The presenter wanted to focus more on his work at BNR. Monday starts the new afternoon program of the journalist:. HEMMEN , from 12:00 to 14:00
Earlier Hemmen presented in the morning. Looking back on that period, the presenter concludes that he has less possibilities with a morning program. “With an afternoon we can concern ourselves more with the news of the day.”
“We have the opportunity to give interpretation to the news. I think that’s a big advantage. The core is the long talk with interesting people. “
A lunch program makes some people think of cozy and small talk, but according Hemmen will be so bad in his program. “I am not very airy. Of course, we are also talking about the latest series and recipes of cocktails, but I call it not lightly.”
“The core of the program remains inform listeners about important issues. It is therefore no chatter, though it may make you jokes. I think that’s quite normal. guests are allowed to say what they want. “
Because of this institution wants Hemmen his guests feel at ease. “I’m also really interested in what people tell. I really want to know! That way you get a call. The radio is very fine, because the listener pays attention only to the words that are said.”
Hemmen comes superlatives when he talks about radio, but also cherishes “insanely great memories” of his time as an employee of Yahoo! News . “I’ve I’ve been in almost flood disasters in our country see are ministers, I’ve seen people be evacuated, I was in Afghanistan and I have almost a rocket had on my head.”
” I also lost frenzied colleagues like Stan Storimans, who was murdered in Georgia, I’ve lost my wife, but also felt how intense the band with my colleagues -.. certainly at that moment I have an insane 4.5 hours behind back had when the victims of the MH17 disaster home were placed in a magnificent funeral procession. “
” With those memories in mind, I’m gone very well. at a certain point, “Hemmen concludes.

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