Nielsen, the main party for ratings in the US, has announced to have found a way so they can measure how much certain programs on Netflix or Amazon Instant Video viewed.
Television Shows are on ratings. or fall A new television show can be achieved with a transmitter and ratings disappointing. Within a week of the tube In the US, Nielsen omniscience in terms of ratings, television networks use the ratings from Nielsen to determine whether it is worthwhile to invest in a program.
The methodology behind the measurement of television viewing is fairly complicated, but which in any case was not previously possible, is to measure the ratings on Netflix for example. However, Netflix is increasing and many people no longer look at the live channels on television to follow their favorite television program. Netflix and Amazon are not a fan of the abandonment of the viewing habits of their users, but Nielsen has found a way to still get a reasonable idea of how many television viewers to this Service. This would be done via the identification of the audio streams.
In the long term, but maybe even in the short term, this could mean that producers and owners of programs know much better what it brings them to have their programs are on Netflix and how such a license contract is actually worth. Perhaps we will be able to much more television shows on Netflix will soon, but it could also be the other way be visualized.

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