November 24, 2014
Times are changing and so is the way to TV
looked at. Some market experts predict the end of the television medium.
Hilversum is discussed this.
It is in the discussion on linear TV . It is broadcast
of television programs intended for fixed stations and times. More and more people
to compose himself the TV evening. Video on demand and watch unlimited services
offer this possibility. The fast end of linear TV is not, moreover
expected by broadcasting bosses. So Bert Habets think linear TV yet certain 25
year remains.
The changing media consumption is fodder for a wide
discussion at the institute Sound and Vision Hilversum . This is 27
November 17.00 to 19.00 held. Speakers include Eggo Müller
– Professor of Media and Communication at the University of Utrecht – and NTR Director
Paul Römer . Those interested in the debate sex register here
Written by:. Jarco Kriek
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11/25/2014 10:24 am
Radio in the most old-fashioned form still exists and is likely to remain very long time. Despite many new opportunities for sound to “consume”. For TV that will be no different. do expect I look postponed much more “to flush out” the commercial breaks
24.11.2014 18:30
The advertising lure to the majority of linear TV viewers from the throat. Advertising Screens in recent years has become much, much longer, the NPO also plenty to do with this. Blocks of advertising as between 12 and 15 minutes turn today as quite ‘normal’ to be considered, and yes, even in the NPO channels. Those commercials is killing many channels uiteindelijk..Ook many US channels, where one than Dutch commercials to know in welding as between 10-15 minutes ..
11/24/2014 18:13 pm
What could happen is that the linear TV channels very few films and series will be broadcast. There used to eg programs such Toppop, Top of the Pops etc. No TV channel this type of program has since the advent of the 24-hour music channels.
24 / 11/2014 18:04 pm
There will never be 6 million households are going to look massively different
Anything new like Netflix, video country are extra
services, and if the hype is about very quickly disappeared
Watching TV as we do today will still exist in 50 years
Netherlands does not live on an island, just as in the world in 10 years time watching TV is considered obsolete, and TV broadcasters are extinct, so it is not over
But that is an illusion
11/24/2014 17:02 pm
It is especially the viewers of American movies and series that it” end “of predicting linear TV. If you a lot of news, sports and current affairs viewing there is still no alternative. You can of course see that sort of things over the internet, but it still remains “linear”, or directly. So I think this story only applies to the lovers of movies and series, live transmissions because in 25 years will really still exist.