This ambitious plan launched the new Show News -hoofdredacteur John Lukken, which thus becomes the battle would go against Peacock and the hit RTL Late Night Humberto Tan.
New design Heart Netherlands and Show News
In essence, the plan Lukken represents a return to the old form of Heart of the Netherlands and Show News . Before the station a few years ago, the program gave a makeover, the two new sections were almost seamlessly. The aim is to find a new form there so the shows better aligned. In the past, Show News for example, presented by the faces of Heart of the Netherlands .
Exit Patty Brard?
This does not that the presenters and experts from Show News , as Beau van Erven Thorns and Patty Brard, come sit idly at home. Also with them are done tests to see how the late edition of the entertainment program can best be shaped.
When SBS launches its new late night live offensive is not yet known. Beau could not pass the test, then the presenter is still plenty to do other things.
REGION | November 30, 2014 | test | The Near Editors (White Weekly)
HILLEGOM – What was Treslong known in the 60s and 70s. Paul van den Berg remember that late 60s Treslong Theatre Subscription existed. For fl 62.50 – around 28 euros – could experience the lovers seven performances. And not the first best performers. With joy we announce Adele Bloemendaal and Frans Halsema, the small parade with Leen Jongewaard, the shows Max Tailleur, Map and Johan Johan Boskamp as Potasch and Perlemoer. Names that even today many still have ringing in a bell.
Anyone who meant something in those years occurred in Treslong. Paul van Vliet, Jasperina de Jong, Wim Kan and Wim Sonneveld. Even Rudolf Schock sang with the Capital operetta. About that Van den Berg remembers a funny anecdote. “On that same night there was a big football game. Ajax – Bayern Munich. There was hardly any television in those days. But Schock demanded that a TV would be in his dressing room so he could follow the match as he was not on the scene. We took Schoonderbeek in the arm and put a nice TV. But the changing rooms were like bunkers and there you got no signal. I do not remember what they all have to be done, but Schock finally did get a working television.
Wim Sonneveld acted and sang include his famous song Catootje. Everyone could sing along. After a successful performance Sonneveld wanted to go home and called a taxi. Haarlem, he would take the train to Amsterdam. But in the meantime it was going badly missed and no taxi drove. “I was there myself, for I had to Haarlem, where I was living,” says van den Berg. “So I called my father. I know the way well, he said. I’ll handle it and I’ll come get you. When he came in, he was politely tapped his shoulder. It was Sonneveld. Excuse me, I should ride with you to Haarlem? And so I was so beside Wim Sonneveld in my father’s car.
But now came the military service and later Paul was trooper for 21 months. When called Treslong: you would like to assist in the weekend with the artists? “I said yes and I deserved it well. And laid the foundation for my later work as an executive assistant. That happened in 1969, when director Aelen was succeeded by W. Steenstra. But Steenstra became ill in 1972. The brewery, which owned Treslong, named Van den Berg then as interim director. Meanwhile, Dirck van den Broek negotiating to buy Treslong of the brewery. That finally took passage and the bowling alley was opened in 1974.
SBS 6 sets next year’s new talent show Pop star in the market. Anyone who can impress with his dolls, can participate in the show presented by Beau van Erven Thorns. Producer Talpa has been plenty of candidates to the recruitment and the first harvest makes Beau enthusiastic. “You see giant puppets, professionals you with a doll with a violin to tears managed to stir, but little girls who have been busy with ladles.”
The presenter tells this blog: “We already have some nice figures, the exact details of Popstar is wanted now. You need this program do not necessarily have the best poppenact, maybe another act or distance more or more funnier. “
Beau itself has something with dolls. “I used to go with a jigsaw on the go, to make dolls and stuff. Of those amateur acts can we actually still use some more. “
What especially appeals to him is that Popstar is really something else. “Just as eg The Great British Bake Off, or the programs of Ali B. What is a talent that. I love new things. That you have the guys from Talpa yet say for that they always come up with something that everyone thinks? Oh, what’s that ‘”
Earlier this week it was announced that André van Duin occurs at Popstar as a kind of backstage reporter. Beau is shown tonight in the third installment of The Winner Takes It All
See also: – André van Duin SBS show Popstar – Beau:. The Winner Takes It All startling
How well Typhoon can dance the sideways moonwalk? Why are there dancing and enlightened panda bears in Utrecht? And what Rotterdam bands gave themselves exposed to a special photo book? Weekend tips this week to answer all these questions. Flicht
VIEW // 24h with Typhoon …
Friday, November 28th, 20.25-21.25u, NPO3 & gt;
Rapper and musician Typhoon is already at major festivals and other celebrations and parties have been this year, tonight, he still does to your TV to your living room. Although, as house musician of The World Keeps Turning it can now be seen every week from your armchair, but he will not come as close as tonight. Glenn Randamie as Typhoon actually called, the new season may 24h with … kickoffs. With host Theo Maassen he must see it a day to dig in the same room. Randamie did seven years on the completion of his second album Lobi da Basi that TVNZ the punch masterpiece (€) was due to the eloquence of his musical journey. Expected in this first episode for a short rapcurcus Maassen and the story behind his second album
To finish the Amsterdam Art Weekend is The Big Art Show scheduled at the City Theatre. And that’s literally a great art show because eleven artworks come here next Sunday to life with the help of light and sound, monologues and dialogues, smells and tastes. And there you have something like this in proposals, according to the organization:
“During the half-hour show the classic museum model is reversed. The audience not walk past the works, but gets them – sat on the stage of the Great Hall – one presented a theatrical. With light and sound, drama and tranquility, conversation and monologue presenting the artworks themselves or tell others, inspired by the work, their story. “
The works of art (paintings, sculptures, photographs or objects ) come from the Rabo Art Collection, with special attention to the project One Taste in 2000 by artist Job Koelewijn. One Taste carried icons like Vincent van Gogh, Plato and Jesus Christ as popsicles, and is performed once again. During the show, visitors can also taste the ice cream.
PHOTOGRAPHY // Rotterdam bands
November 28 t / m January 28, 2015, Posse Espresso (Fenixloodsen), Rotterdam, free entrance
Seven talented Rotterdam bands were a year in flashlight Rotterdam photographer Marcel Holmenkollen: Mark Lotterman, Ming’s Pretty Heroes, Yoko Cola, Half Way Station, Rats On Rafts, La Boutique Fantastique and Wolf in Loveland. Kollens book OFF Rotterdam , released two weeks ago during the Rotterdam PopWeek, tells the story of the current generation of bands in the port city. The black and white pictures show the bands seen on intimate moments as they do on makeup in the dressing room, but also when they play pranks on each other or concentrated in the rehearsal room rehearsing. Accompanied by interviews learn what moves them. Today opens an exhibition of the photos in the Rotterdam Posse Espresso. Ming’s Pretty Heroes and the Rotterdam poet Gino of Weenen, who made a poem on the back cover of the book, occurred during the opening.
LIGHTS // China Light Utrecht
t / m January 4, 2015, Botanical Gardens, Utrecht tickets € 8-12, -.
In a small piece of Utrecht celebrates an ancient Chinese festival since last weekend: Yuan Xiao, or the Light Festival, or China Light Utrecht. On the fifteenth day of the first month gain lanterns lightly to propitiate the god of the sky. And lanterns come in many forms: think of fairy tale characters, animals, dragons and traditional Chinese characters. You can walk along luminous pandas, but also by flowers, plants and temples. There are also guided tours, and Chinese tea and costume shows. Two years ago, the first celebration of the Chinese light festival already took place in Rotterdam, until the beginning of January, you can now visit the Utrecht Botanical Gardens.
For more lightly, you can visit the Amsterdam Light Festival, which opened yesterday and see until mid-January.
Watch TV for me is mainly a weekend affair. Saturday a movie Sunday football. During the week, the TV goes especially for the news. But the new TV show Baanbrekers my interest
Trailblazers is a program on the labor market. To my knowledge it is unique that in prime time, on Wednesday evening at half past eight, a television program broadcast on the job search. Compliments therefore Avro bunch, who has dared to go on this adventure
For those who do not know the program:. In Baanbrekers involves a number of vacancies which have long been open. “How is it that these functions are not filled in, while at the same time a large number of people looking for work?”, So the editors thought. They made contact with employers and job seekers called on to respond. In the broadcast apply three candidates in the studio on the job and the employer makes a choice there. A panel of three experts giving advice.
What effect does that for the viewer? What I found particularly striking in the first broadcast was the high pace. The vacancies were presented in just a few minutes, candidates were briefly presented, the Panel had little time for giving advice and the employer was urged to quickly make his choice. Applause, thank you for coming on to the next job. The candidates, the employer and I as a viewer, still panting after this time.
The program makers demonstrate aware of the improvement, because the broadcasts after had more rest and there was more time for the choice of the candidates. Rightly so, because even though the program is an application process in a pressure cooker, finding a good match between employer and job seeker must be done carefully. Go there as jobseekers but to stand, apply on TV, in front of hundreds of thousands of viewers. And the employer also does not happen overnight. Otherwise he would not have long searched for a suitable candidate.
Finding a job is people work
Baanbrekers shows that finding work is about people. Candidates usually a long time looking for work and many 50-plus, want nothing more than as soon as possible back to work and the employer really has the will to strengthen his team with a top-colleague. Candidates are sometimes uncertain and employers should decide quickly. That there are many measures that can utilize an employer to help a job seeker to a job, has gotten no attention yet. Think of a trial, training measures or wage subsidies. There are to go much broadcasts.
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Times are changing and so is the way to TV looked at. Some market experts predict the end of the television medium. Hilversum is discussed this.
It is in the discussion on linear TV . It is broadcast of television programs intended for fixed stations and times. More and more people to compose himself the TV evening. Video on demand and watch unlimited services offer this possibility. The fast end of linear TV is not, moreover expected by broadcasting bosses. So Bert Habets think linear TV yet certain 25 year remains.
The changing media consumption is fodder for a wide discussion at the institute Sound and Vision Hilversum . This is 27 November 17.00 to 19.00 held. Speakers include Eggo Müller – Professor of Media and Communication at the University of Utrecht – and NTR Director Paul Römer . Those interested in the debate sex register here
Written by:. Jarco Kriek
Robert – The Hague –
11/25/2014 10:24 am
Radio in the most old-fashioned form still exists and is likely to remain very long time. Despite many new opportunities for sound to “consume”. For TV that will be no different. do expect I look postponed much more “to flush out” the commercial breaks
Henny – Eindhoven –
24.11.2014 18:30
The advertising lure to the majority of linear TV viewers from the throat. Advertising Screens in recent years has become much, much longer, the NPO also plenty to do with this. Blocks of advertising as between 12 and 15 minutes turn today as quite ‘normal’ to be considered, and yes, even in the NPO channels. Those commercials is killing many channels uiteindelijk..Ook many US channels, where one than Dutch commercials to know in welding as between 10-15 minutes ..
William – Antwerp –
11/24/2014 18:13 pm
What could happen is that the linear TV channels very few films and series will be broadcast. There used to eg programs such Toppop, Top of the Pops etc. No TV channel this type of program has since the advent of the 24-hour music channels.
peter – Hoofddorp –
24 / 11/2014 18:04 pm
There will never be 6 million households are going to look massively different Anything new like Netflix, video country are extra services, and if the hype is about very quickly disappeared Watching TV as we do today will still exist in 50 years Netherlands does not live on an island, just as in the world in 10 years time watching TV is considered obsolete, and TV broadcasters are extinct, so it is not over But that is an illusion
AW78 – – –
11/24/2014 17:02 pm
It is especially the viewers of American movies and series that it” end “of predicting linear TV. If you a lot of news, sports and current affairs viewing there is still no alternative. You can of course see that sort of things over the internet, but it still remains “linear”, or directly. So I think this story only applies to the lovers of movies and series, live transmissions because in 25 years will really still exist.
You can read this month 5/10 shared UK-plus articles free of charge.
De Volkskrant offers free and paid articles to. Paid items identified by a label VKplus. Every month you may free 10 VKplus read articles that your friends share with you.
You can read this month 5/10 shared UK-plus articles free of charge.
De Volkskrant offers free and paid articles to. Paid items identified by a label VKplus. Every month you may free 10 VKplus read articles that your friends share with you.
Presenter Floortje Dessing comes back on television with its programs Floortje to the end of the world. ” The new season has to know four instead of eight episodes, let BNN VARA.
Floortje end of September was rushed to the hospital after a trip to Iran. She had suffered a persistent virus. Now she has recovered enough to go back to work.
The new episodes will be aired from January 1 to NPO1. In the first show Floortje met in Tanzania an Argentine couple who fourteen years with four children around the world are traveling in a car in 1928. She also visits a young family on the Scottish island of Canna, where only sixteen people live.
SEE ALSO: Floortje Dessing hospitalized Floortje Dessing: This really is a great punishment Doctors Floortje are puzzled
Dessing end of September was rushed to the hospital after a trip to Iran. She had suffered a persistent virus. Now she has recovered enough to go back to work.
The new episodes will be aired from January 1 to NPO1.
In the first show Dessing met in Tanzania an Argentine couple that fourteen years with four children travel the world in a car in 1928. She also visits a young family on the Scottish island of Canna, where only sixteen people live
Presenter Floortje Dessing comes back on television with its programs Floortje to the end of the world. ” The new season has to know four instead of eight episodes, let BNN VARA.
Floortje end of September was rushed to the hospital after a trip to Iran. She had suffered a persistent virus. Now she has recovered enough to go back to work.
The new episodes will be aired from January 1 to NPO1. In the first show Floortje met in Tanzania an Argentine couple who fourteen years with four children around the world are traveling in a car in 1928. She also visits a young family on the Scottish island of Canna, where only sixteen people live.
SEE ALSO: Floortje Dessing hospitalized Floortje Dessing: This really is a great punishment Doctors Floortje are puzzled
Presenter Floortje Dessing comes back on television with its programs Floortje to the end of the world. ” The new season has to know four instead of eight episodes, let BNN VARA.
Floortje end of September was urgently hospitalized after a trip to Iran. She had suffered a persistent virus. Now she has recovered enough to go back to work.
The new episodes will be aired from January 1 to NPO1. In the first show Floortje met in Tanzania an Argentine couple who fourteen years with four children around the world are traveling in a car in 1928. She also visits a young family on the Scottish island of Canna, where only sixteen people live.
You can read this month 5/10 shared UK-plus articles free of charge.
De Volkskrant offers free and paid articles to. Paid items identified by a label VKplus. Every month you may free 10 VKplus read articles that your friends share with you.
You can read this month 5/10 shared UK-plus articles free of charge.
De Volkskrant offers free and paid articles to. Paid items identified by a label VKplus. Every month you may free 10 VKplus read articles that your friends share with you.
You can read this month 5/10 shared UK-plus articles free of charge.
De Volkskrant offers free and paid articles to. Paid items identified by a label VKplus. Every month you may free 10 VKplus read articles that your friends share with you.
You can read this month 5/10 shared UK-plus articles free of charge.
De Volkskrant offers free and paid articles to. Paid items identified by a label VKplus. Every month you may free 10 VKplus read articles that your friends share with you.
You can read this month 5/10 shared UK-plus articles free of charge.
De Volkskrant offers free and paid articles to. Paid items identified by a label VKplus. Every month you may free 10 VKplus read articles that your friends share with you.
You can read this month 5/10 shared UK-plus articles free of charge.
De Volkskrant offers free and paid articles to. Paid items identified by a label VKplus. Every month you may free 10 VKplus read articles that your friends share with you.
Analysts at DigiTimes expect a 10% increase in sales of televisions worldwide in 2015. Various sources within the supply chain say they next year around 230 million units will ship.
growth is twofold, on the one hand the large appliances will be sold in established economies, on the other hand, it is expected that there is a lot more small appliances in the emerging economies such as Latin America will be sold.
The growth in the emerging economies is easily explained by the fact that consumers are more and more money to buy televisions and therefore the smaller budget models will do well there. In the west, but now also a large part of Asia has almost every household already a big TV stand in the living room. However, the advent of Ultra HD TVs and ever cheaper OLED TVs would surely motivate many households to buy a new television. The Quantum-Dot televisions seem, according to several insiders to gain ground next year.
11/25/2014 10:24 am
Radio in the most old-fashioned form still exists and is likely to remain very long time. Despite many new opportunities for sound to “consume”. For TV that will be no different. do expect I look postponed much more “to flush out” the commercial breaks
24.11.2014 18:30
The advertising lure to the majority of linear TV viewers from the throat. Advertising Screens in recent years has become much, much longer, the NPO also plenty to do with this. Blocks of advertising as between 12 and 15 minutes turn today as quite ‘normal’ to be considered, and yes, even in the NPO channels. Those commercials is killing many channels uiteindelijk..Ook many US channels, where one than Dutch commercials to know in welding as between 10-15 minutes ..
11/24/2014 18:13 pm
What could happen is that the linear TV channels very few films and series will be broadcast. There used to eg programs such Toppop, Top of the Pops etc. No TV channel this type of program has since the advent of the 24-hour music channels.
24 / 11/2014 18:04 pm
There will never be 6 million households are going to look massively different
Anything new like Netflix, video country are extra
services, and if the hype is about very quickly disappeared
Watching TV as we do today will still exist in 50 years
Netherlands does not live on an island, just as in the world in 10 years time watching TV is considered obsolete, and TV broadcasters are extinct, so it is not over
But that is an illusion
11/24/2014 17:02 pm
It is especially the viewers of American movies and series that it” end “of predicting linear TV. If you a lot of news, sports and current affairs viewing there is still no alternative. You can of course see that sort of things over the internet, but it still remains “linear”, or directly. So I think this story only applies to the lovers of movies and series, live transmissions because in 25 years will really still exist.