Saturday, October 12, 2013

GfK's combi Facebook televisions measure - Emerce

What additional effect as an advertiser with a similar TV campaign also has a Facebook campaign running late? That’s GfK surveys and share the results with advertisers. The first insight:. Additional range of nearly 28 percent

Marcel Busker Mill GfK said yesterday The Facebook Conference, an event of Emerce under Amsterdam eWeek


This kind of television studies with Facebook is already done in Germany early next year and is also marketed in the Netherlands. “The Facebook app of the day used by many, perhaps most of all. In the evening you can see a peak. TV advertisers who advertise on Facebook are partly overlapping range, but partly also speak a new audience. “

This new audience is mostly a younger audience, a group of media consumers who watch TV less and less attention than other groups of viewers. With advertising on social media, they can still be reached. German results show that the range can reach 28 percent.


In Germany, seven percent of retail sales is the result of media efforts, advertising. Of those seven percent is attributable to television and nineteen percent on Facebook.

55 percentAccording

Busker Mill is more than worthwhile for advertisers to start thinking strategically about their media mix. “The ROI of Facebook Ads Premium is 1.14, when television is on 0.28. Facebook is a GRP cheaper than television. “Every euro to TV advertising goes, makes a turnover of 28 cents on. “For a lower total a wider range can be achieved with a higher turnover effect.”


The German tests showed that Maggi and Nutella fifteen to twenty percent of their campaign converting realized via Facebook, while there 3.5 percent of media budgets went.

Photo: artinthecity (cc)

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