Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Teacher television production & project – Villa Media

Vocational College Hilversum, part of the ROC Amsterdam, is a leading educational institution of secondary vocational education and adult education in Hilversum. Our college invests in people by a bridge to employment, further education and a good place in society. 420 professionals are the basis of the quality and wide range of courses for over 5,000 students.

The Media department is looking for a television production teacher & amp; Project

-. As inspiring teacher and mentor of young people aged 16 to 22 years
-. You will contribute to the development and implementation of training and . education
– You’re on a college level professional working and thinking in terms of (television) production and project mamagement
-. Ensure the (project) education at MBO level 4.
– You take care of the whole educational process, which guides you both individual and groups of participants (in theory, practical lessons, learning tasks, etc.)
-. You develop learning tasks and evaluate the practical results, will test out and evaluate these
. – Contribution to the development and renewal of education and activities
-. You identifies and analyzes needs renewing the curriculum and contributes to the development and care of new curricula based on educational questions from the social environment.

As a teacher, television production and project management you will preferably possess a college degree and preferably also in possession of an educational authority. If you are not entitled, you must still complete the authorization.
You have experience working as a producer for creative productions and events. You are experienced in managing such projects and are able to transfer the knowledge about the students. Your setting is inspiring innovation focused and you have good communication and interpersonal skills.
You enjoy working in a team, but can also work independently. Flexibility is yours for granted. You engage in self-reflection and you’re under stress.

What we offer

The working environment is informal, professional and innovative. The employment comply with the CAO BVE (LB scale with a maximum of € 3823, -. Gross for full-time appointment) and a year-end bonus of 8.33%
The appointment is at least 0.6 and a maximum of 0,. 8 FTE


For more information please contact one of Terry de Roode.? – Kotterman 035 6.892 million or by mail t.deroodekotterman@rocva.nl .

There are 416 possible candidates for this role in the Villamedia resume database


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