Friday, August 21, 2015

Attention to Lowlands on radio and television –

This weekend, the festival ‘lowlands’ place in Biddinghuizen. This event is a lot of attention on radio television

Radio:. NPO 3FM

NPO 3FM do this weekend comprehensive report of Lowlands. On Friday, Saturday and Sunday, the NPO 3FM broadcast a total of 45 hours from Biddinghuizen. 3FM has a glass studio at the festival and DJs as a reporter walking from tent to tent. There will also be artists along in the studio and broadcast live performances. NPO 3FM is received via FM, DAB + (channel 12C), all digital packet radio and worldwide Internet .


Lowlands can also be followed on television and Internet via a 24/7 live stream of the VPRO, the digital theme channel NPO 101 and in two television broadcasts NPO 3. The two television broadcasts NPO 3 guides Eric Corton, Tomas Delsing, Willie Wartaal and Tim den Besten those at home through all the musical highlights, new discoveries and the unrestrained festival life

Broadcasts on NPO 3

The broadcasts NPO 3 Lowlands at the following times: Saturday, August 22 22:25 -. 00:25 am (repetition of 00:30 to 2:30 pm) and Sunday, August 23 22:40 to 00:10 hours. NPO 3 can also be followed live on the Internet:

Livestream and NPO101

Lowlands to monitor 24/7 on digital channel 101 and NPO with a livestream videos of all concerts, reviews and atmosphere reports

Social Media

New this year is the special role of the Lowlands visitor:. via Instagram can the audience with the # 3voor12 movies submitting their best Lowlands Moment. A selection of these films can be seen in the television broadcast. In addition, this year special attention to the night programming. Presenter Tim den Besten is a cameraman out to explore the nightlife of Lowlands.

Lowlands Show with Tim den Besten

In the weeks following Lowlands looks Tim den Besten NPO 3 back at the festival in the Lowlands Show. The festival he interviews his own unique way the visitors, musicians, comedians, writers and politicians. Broadcasts on Saturday, August 29th (23:40 to 00:40 pm) and Saturday, September 5th (23:55 to 00:55 hours)


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