… then that television may look like in the video below. What you see is a concept for a smart television, where the user is central. It arose initially as an idea of the Dutch companyTheCapitalsNL, but it eventually became a working prototype. The team pondered how the television of the future might look like, and the end result would be so from the design table of Jony Ive could be.
Unfortunately, the probability that such a TV, there are ever comes, not so large. Apple seems to have put the plan on a smart television to the side, because they feel there are not enough innovations. Perhaps Cupertino should equally with The Capitals call, because they do have inspiration for new ideas around the TV.
Early in the morning you only get to see part of the TV screen, so you are in a glimpse the weather, traffic and other useful information gets to see, to get relaxed at your work. Tap with the iPhone on the TV, the screen moves further out so you can see the breakfast news. TV learns your behavior and gives suggestions to work out for example. You walk out the door, the TV automatically retracts back into the cabinet. In the afternoon, the television shows cute family photos and radio plays, adapted to the existing family members. Later in the evening you get suggestions what to look to.
All of these functions are not there yet. So Apple … why give up so quickly?
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