The daily radio show in the morning of shock jock Don Imus will soon no longer be followed on television. On May 29 stops Fox Business Network, the sister of the conservative Fox News, with the broadcast of the show. On the radio is “The I-man” just to listen through 77 WABC in New York City and dozens of other stations.
Imus radio show aired since October 2010 by Fox Business Network. In the show were also discussed many financial topics. There were analysts and newscasters television network to regularly see and hear in the show. Whether this after stopping going to happen is not known.
Imus stop television because his new ranch in Texas has no remote controlled television studio. This in contrast to his old ranch in New Mexico. This Imus would still have to travel to the Fox studio in New York City to create the show. However, the 74-year-old Imus wants to spend more time in Texas and support the rodeo career of his son.
His radio show, however, continues. Admittedly runs his contract with Cumulus, which owns among other 77 WABC, December off, but the shock jock has no plans to stop.
Imus’s been almost 45 years a landmark in the morning on the radio in New York City. The shock jock began his radio career in the Big Apple in November 1971 at the then hitzender WNBC as morning jock. Then he went on ESPN 66 WFAN.
Over the last 40 years became Imus regularly discredited. Not only because of his alleged drug and alcohol addiction, but also for his sarcasm and his rough language. So called Imus Janet Reno, who was the first female Minister of Justice and suffers from Parkinson’s, a rodeo clown. Former Secretary of State Colin Powell called it a “sniffing weasel” and the New York Knicks basketball players a bunch of “apepooiers. But gay people and Jews fear he is not.
In April 2007 came to be his rough language Imus expensive. During his morning show, he made the women’s basketball team at Rutgers University, which mostly consists of black and tattooed players for ‘whores with frizzy hair. The incident resulted in a storm of criticism and led ultimately to WFAN The I-husband fired. Since then told Imus on 77 WABC in New York City.
On his television show to follow since 1996. The first 11 years at MSNBC, followed by RDF Television and since 2009 at Fox Business Network. [Radio.NL]

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