Punctual half past seven in the morning Jeroen Koopman takes his first sip of coffee in his favorite Rotterdam coffee shop around the corner from his house. To avoid traffic jams he answers to nine hours of the incoming emails, then gets into his car and while hanging for an hour on the phone. At about 10:00 he arrives at the office of his company NewBeTV at the Piet Hein Kade in Amsterdam. He usually goes until ten hours later when his wife and child in Rotterdam.
Merchant loves a strict daily schedule and lives for the cause (although I now no longer work in the weekends). The zeal and diligence of the Thirty entrepreneur are also needed. NewBeTV, which enters its fifth year, is growing rapidly and forces in television circles respect. The almost casually against the wall periodically awards and nominations are visible proof. The company invents formats suitable for television and the Internet, or a combination of both.
In addition, recently saw NewBeChannels light. By that Koopman YouTube channels help in the production of videos and he focuses more on the Internet as a medium of entertainment. “Of the four most watched English YouTube videos, two by NewBeChannels produced in 2014. We are the number one in the list of proprietary content. In television land NewBeTV is a modest, but on the Internet let even large parties as RTL and SBS behind us. “
Sneak Killer
Turnover € 1.5 million
The expected turnover of NewBeTV 2015 was € 1.5 million to € 2 million
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Employees 10
NewBeTV has ten permanent employees and a flexible workforce to twenty employees
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Channels 13
The company has thirteen Internet channels under management where the content placed on
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Ambition € 15 million
Within five years, the company realized a turnover of € 15 million.
Why the obvious choice for the Internet, while the number of minutes to watch TV each year is still increasing? Merchant makes a wide dismissive gesture. “Appearances are deceptive. The young audience, 13 to 19 years and the group above, 20-34, massive hooks and looks especially online. It is a silent killer. About five years see the ratings on TV is quite different. “
A study by consulting firm Bain revealed last year that YouTube in Netherlands the most commonly used service for web videos. Nearly one in five consumers look there at least an hour a week. Therefore there are also YouTube stars are born who operate their own channels.
Kud, Bardo and Theaumes

Justin Jansen, professor of corporate entrepreneurship, Rotterdam School of Management.
‘Het NewBeTV great advantage is that the established parties are not very active with online productions. Earning online is now reduced, moreover traditional TV producers have strong links with the television industry. The importance of television is less, we’re going to zap to search. NewBewTV is a promising company that serves well the young audience. ‘
NewBeTV on this phenomenon indented by itself rapidly internet channels develop and by some internet personalities Netherlands loyalty, including Kud, Bardo and Theaumes (see box). The trick is to then use their creativity in a variety of media platforms. Traditional TV companies now see that value. RTL as the “YouTuber” Mertabi bound himself, who has gained notoriety with the format Moroccan Gives Lessons. For movies Mertabi NewBeTV is incidentally now the exclusive production partner.
Koopman thoroughbred entrepreneur. “At fourteen I wanted to create their own business.” It came really from when he was 19. While studying television science he got a job as a location manager on several TV productions. Soon he saw the weaknesses in processes. For example, the cost of technology, especially the cumbersome way of extras were arranged.
He started a casting agency in modern footing. “Just an online booking system and automatic billing. It was from the first day a success and a full-time occupation. But I thought it was a terrible business. Therefore, it came out that the company was taken over after ten months.
Last cents

Peter van Lieshout is a member of the Scientific Council Government Policy and author of WRR report Towards a learning economy.
‘NewBeTV is not as technologically innovative. But the approach of the company is smart. They quickly responded to the trend that more and more television is watched over the internet. It is at NewBeTV not covert channels. This market is only at the beginning. The question is whether traditional manufacturing is just so refreshing to handle it. “
Then followed until now most instructive period in his life. “I had got dollar signs in my eyes. If it’s so simple, I thought, I’ll do that trick again. “He started two businesses simultaneously. Which proved less successful and in 2010, with his last pennies in his pocket, he decided to withdraw from a year to think about what he really wanted. That was the interactive drama Who’s In, Who’s Out with a large online platform in co-production with Tuvalu Media got a place at BNN.
Innovative, but eventually traditional TV. Koopman discovered thanks to this series that he could distinguish with cross-media and online productions by other parties. “It was then important to build a track record and to grow on its own with smaller productions.”
Merchant says now TV ‘does not always’ to have more need. Productions can be put on their own internet channels, after which his YouTubers do the promotion. Ideally, there is TV than as operating afterwards. As an example, Merchant Max & amp; Billy’s Drill Machine Girl, an online series that eventually found its way to the TV broadcasting France 4.
For NewBeTV it is now important to his productions to be ‘mainstream’, because today’s young target older and other interests will be looking to get. In five years the turnover should be increased tenfold to € 15 million, says Koopman. He is thus a new John de Mol in the making? “John de Mol is a role model for me. Although I really was shocked when I last heard him say that he had sold his business, partly because he was so tired of the business side. He now runs only against that frustration, I thought then, as I already opzie against that one day in the week that I lost it. “
Koopman says there at all times to want to ensure that his creativity will suffer the commercial affairs and successes. “Experience dulls creativity off, I notice now. In the beginning I was unrestrained. Especially by the TV world and co-productions we made there, I was thinking more and more like the customer. Now we develop only what we ourselves enjoy.

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