The digital TV penetration is growing by 82% of Dutch households in 2013 with digital TV reception <. span id = "more-3778">
is evident from the results of the Standard Media Survey 2013 (MSS) published today. by SKO The research is carried out by TNS-NIPO the organizations responsible for the major media coverage surveys: SKO, NLO and NOM. In 2013, also participated in STIR MSS. A total of 6,326 households and 5,422 individuals aged 13 years or older were interviewed.
Most households in the Netherlands have the opportunity to watch. DTV The overall penetration of digital TV reception has increased significantly from 76% in 2012 to 82% in 2013. This increase was due to growth in digital TV via cable, IPTV and fiber. The percentage of households receiving digital terrestrial television has fallen from 11% to 9%.
The number of households with digital TV decoder with hard disk recorder has increased significantly. Now owns 20% of Dutch households have a set-top box with hard drive. The number of households with a (single) disk recorder connected to a TV set is unchanged compared to last year. In 2013 the percentage of households owned a DVD recorder with hard drive (from 20% to 16%) decreased.
The percentage of households with a TV with direct access to the Internet increased from 11% to 17%. This is a significant increase compared to 2012.
penetration of smartphones among Dutch 13 years or older is 53% and 40% of tablets. In both cases there is a significant increase. The percentage of smartphone owners in 2012 amounted to 40%. The increase in the number of tablet owners in 2013 compared to 2012 is relatively sharply, from 21% in 2012 to 40% in 2013. One third of the Dutch in the possession of a video game. Most have a laptop (70%) or a desktop (57%). Compared to last year, the penetration of the desktop PC decreased (62% in 2012).
Bas de Vos (Director SKO) says: “The digitization continues and KijkOnderzoek’s fully tuned. In 2013, we see this in the way of looking: approximately 77% of viewing consists of watching a digital signal. Another important, almost explosive development is the growth of mobile devices. Owning a tablet has doubled in one year. Also in this area is very active SKO to measure. New forms of viewing habits Think of a project as a “linear streaming” in which we and the cable companies are going to bring linear TV viewing. Using apps in map MSS provides us with essential insights into the trends that we anticipate in time. Due to the high quality of the sample MSS our most important resource when it comes to the possession and use of equipment on a personal level. “

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