2013 was the year of a number of remarkable phenomena. Elected Belgium and Netherlands selfie for word of the year in Norway rekkevideangst was (the fear of not getting before the battery of your electric car is empty until a charging place), while in England and the U.S. binge-watching (a marathon watching TV with a full array of DVD box looks) only twerking deselfie and let go. had for
following chart looks may conclude that it is mainly the Americans who are guilty of binge-watching. An American family watching television on average more than 8 hours per day, while the second in the list, Hungary, looks slightly more than half. A Swedish family watching together an average of less than 2 hours per day, in the Netherlands we are looking just over 3 hours.
nevertheless huge difference between America and the rest of the world remains striking. After sleeping and watching television work is the most time spent by the average American.
Then early this month 112 million Americans live the final of the Super Bowl looked, which was a record. Rather than being pushed away by all the new media, it seems like the television in the U.S. has colonized the newcomers. Major sporting events like the Super Bowl, shows like “American Idol” and series like ‘Breaking Bad’ pulling improbable ratings.
However, the difference with the rest of the world remains remarkable, but why this is so, no one knows. The question-and-answer site Quora question Why do Americans watch so much TV? ‘remains unanswered. When The Economist in 2009, sought a declaration, it does not really succeed in that. Already heralded one of the reader comments:
“ We do not really have a society. We have a lot of people, but no real society. in our suburbs, in our cars, in our drive-through restaurants, we never really communicate with other people. And a large part of America’s appeal lies precisely in the freedom to be, to not face having to be with other people’s problems. What makes that we end up with no need to connect … and we finally have left is left alone TV . “

Dominique Dewitte is editor and co-publisher of the popular business portal in Belgium Express.be. He is also the author of books and articles he published as Blogger DutchCowboys. Click here to see his profile on Linkedin.

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