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On television content is more important than the platform used. That’s the conclusion of a study of the streaming service Netflix by a group of American consumers. The researchers found that while users of streaming show strong affinity with television content. Even if they do not have access to a digital platform, they are as Netflix still interested to watch television. The study shows that, according to Netflix also ease one of the most important factors in online video. It should be noted that three-quarters of respondents indicating hold to view at a time when they themselves have chosen. television it
“People who have a strong bond with streaming television content,” the researchers note. “Two to three streamers says during a timeout digital still interested in television content. This indicates that the public has a greater bond with the content than with the platform being used. For the distribution of programs A shift in audience behavior has therefore more to do with the platforms used than a content-selection. “Researchers found that while nearly three-quarters of the respondents indicated to have a preference for streaming television content in the personal calendar to fit.
also came from the investigation for three-quarters of respondents also that positive attitude to the so-called binge-streaming, with several episodes of a television series can be viewed immediately. succession According to 79 percent, this method look nicer than the traditional weekly episodes. It was found that 73 percent of respondents, according to a session of two to six episodes in streaming turn may be labeled. As binge-viewing habits According to 76 percent of those surveyed binge streaming may signify a pleasant rest time in their busy daily activities. It was also found that 80 percent showing a greater interest in an interesting television stream than in the social media messages from a good friend.
Security News makes the offer of coverage around security related issues more accessible and is a starting
for security guards, security managers, and anyone interested in security news. Security companies and suppliers
also have the ability to publish on the website in the field of security.
WEESP – By “rolling” of the 4G mobile phone network, there are problems threaten to arise for the delivery of digital television (such as Terrestrial) which is widely used on board ships
Because the frequency of the 4G signal almost borders on that of Digital Television, it can interfere with the signal, and even block. The TV picture is blocky and changed color. Sometimes, the entire image is “frozen”.
Telecom Agency indicates that such interference can be achieved by using high quality cables and connectors.
use prevention
Even better: to filter, so that the adjacent frequency of the 4G network is ignored, the reception signal Digital Television accurate. The application of an LTE 4G interference-free antenna or filter is the only way to protect against this continuous disturbance.
the TV signalBoot Plus has two solutions to this inevitable problem. This consists of a Funke DSC550 4G LTE antenna (€ 38.95) and Funke 4G LTE790 filter (€ 24.50).
More information
It will be no coincidence that UPC and Ziggo merge, barely a month after the last bit of the influence of the Dutch citizens on the television offer, the program councils, have disappeared. Monopolist Ziggo after the acquisition by UPC now free play, at least on your television.
hundreds of (mostly) local program councils who knew his Netherlands on 1 January 2014, more or less silently lifted. The councils determined on behalf of the citizens which television and radio stations were required to pass a cable company and were in fact a remnant of the Central Antenna Systems (CAI), which many years ago, the major cable companies have emerged. They formed a guarantee of any influence in the storm of mergers that has now led to the formation of a large, throughout the Netherlands including cable company, with head offices in London and New York.
Natuurlijjk is the merger (or acquisition, if you will) of UPC and Ziggo logistics obvious: the foreign division of the country between the two companies is the result of the long history of the TV schedule. So I watch digital TV via Ziggo, 500 meters further to the west, the people do with UPC. We understand very well that it is very convenient for the business in the Netherlands and in that situation an end: an office and a desk, all of that is much cheaper and more efficient. Though we seriously doubt that economies of scale will come. To the user as well
Heft into their own hands
In the comments on the merger goes so far still the question whether the ‘new’ Ziggo obliged later to other companies to its network and whether it is dominant in the market with 90 percent of Dutch households are not accessibility. That seems obvious case. But the question of how it is with the impact that Dutch citizens can exercise at home to see what he gets is not asked. Apparently no priority given to it more in The Hague. There is still dominated neoliberal market ideology that has brought, such as our health, postal and energy.
Fortunately, there are ways for citizens nowadays to take. matters into his own hands again Recent studies show that nearly one in seven people are seriously thinking of the subscription television cable, and ensure that in future only to watch video-on-demand, as they can through Netflix, not for nothing called Ziggo yesterday as one of its main competitors. The television landscape will change dramatically, but it is unfortunate that any form of democratic control on your smart TV is now missing.
It will not have escaped your notice that the Winter Olympics start next week in Russia. Now the Olympic Committee all not too generous with the release of communication around the world event because they sell the rights to partners and sponsors for a lot of money, but the Swedish state television is also what! Who tried to claim every picture that was tweeted around the invented hashtag # mittOS14.
The state broadcaster is located, like nearly all television stations in the world, preparing for the Games. And as we have often seen, is a hashtag a huge active way of structuring. Conversation around a particular theme So the SVT, such as the local NPO called, coined the hashtag # mittOS14.
So far no problem, it went wrong when they thought that they were in a legal cover against potential claims if they wanted to come. getweette pictures in their own news programs back There it went “horribly” wrong.
On the page where the ‘action’ was announced was in fact a link to the terms of the action. And in those conditions was that you went automatically agree to the terms. Using the hashtag use And a little further stated that the SVT would get. All rights to republication of any getweette photo
When you post images under the hashtag # mittOS14 [Ed note: Translates to "My olympic games '14 '] in a response to our call, you give publication rights to SVT, and Therefore, some terms and conditions apply. You can read about them here.
These terms and conditions apply when you, in response to a direct and specific call from us, share images you’ve taken as a private individual under the hashtag # mittos14:
You must have the full rights to the images, that is, you’re the photographer and the images do any work protected by copyright containerization or an achievement created / ormed by somebody else. [Ed note: this is a rather odd condition for a sports photo, anyway, considering Typically they depict achievements by somebody else]
That SVT has the right to use the images (within the boundaries for SVT’s operations, that is on TV shows, on, and on other platforms where people can take part of SVT’s offerings).
That SVT, in preparation for permission Such use, crop and edit the May without your images.
That SVT’s usage rights extend in perpetuity.
That you accept That you’re not Entitled to any compensation for the grant of publication rights.
If we, from the above terms and conditions, publish an image That You shared under # mittos14, it Shall be made clear who took the photograph.
Now that’s a violation of Twitter’s own ToS, something that a photographer recently million claim it then won several new stations are pictures of the disaster in Haiti resold. Twitter guessed that time publishers to simply embed the tweets photo in the original context of the tweet may just be used anywhere.
who are viewing the hashtag, and more specifically the photos within the stream sees few give a photoreaction:
The English translation of the tweet reads:
Hey, BRAT! This is the only image during this hashtag you have access rights. # Mittos14
And that’s not the only manifestation of its kind.
the broadcaster has now returned to his bad idea, happy to.
Twitter, TV, sports, this combination is ideally suited to build where you are able to discover the opinions of many different sides fun interaction. But news organizations have to adhere to the use of the platform.
Source © Twitter @ Mania Hermaniak
on Twitter
Cable operator Ziggo has sales in the fourth quarter of last year with a 3 percent seen rising to 394 million euros. Net profit rose by 12.6 percent to 79.3 million euros.
the largest cable operator in the Netherlands in a press release.
Progress in talks with Liberty Global
The cable company still negotiating an acquisition by the parent company of UPC, Liberty Global. Moreover, there is progress in the talks, as does the cable company at the presentation of its financial figures for 2013. Ziggo “The takeover talks show progress,” writes Ziggo in a statement which message website. How progress is organized in detail, do not get lost. Cabler “Further announcements will be made when relevant,” reads the statement. Ziggo stressed that there was no certainty that a takeover deal between Ziggo and UPC is reached.
Digital TV customers decreases
The number of digital TV customers increased compared with a year earlier but down: that there are now 872,000, compared with 929,000 a year earlier, decrease of 6.2 percent. The number of customers with an analog TV signal increased much more sharply, from 637,000 to 505,000, a decrease of 20.7 percent. However, this is a movement that occurs with all cable companies, because more and more people get their analogue TV signal the door take off, says site
Ziggo cable ear appears to have been last year introduced mobile subscriptions much success. The company now has 33,000 customers, who also use other services at Ziggo. The cheapest plan costs 15 euros.
There are some words that bypasses your best in our job. ‘Lying’ is one of them. Very loaded, accusatory and therefore avoid. The Dutch parliament will not hear it. Never say, “Minister, you’re lying”, saying: “What you say minister, is at particular odds with the truth,” You say the same thing, but not quite Lying, no, that word take our northern neighbors soon in the.. mouth, except perhaps Geert – “ban the Koran!” – Wilders
the superlative of ‘lying’, the word ‘hate’. The ultimate negative emotion. Using them in a political context is an absolute no go . That’s a goof like Laurent Louis used, nobody gets cold clothes. And Filip Dewinter is grossly statements livelihood. He goes for the other continues to still falling. But MR Chairman Charles Michel Seventh Day ‘hate’ brings out when talking about nationalism and thus the N-VA’s, is available revealing. Because it’s like the Antwerp writer and poet Herwig Hensen said: “Hate is a political program in itself.”
My surprise was even greater when I no voice in the media landscape questioned heard in places that very simple use of the word ‘hate’ in respect of any other democratic ideology and party on Monday. It was cataloged as’ a moment of election fever ‘and’ profiling relative to the PS. I wonder if the reaction would have been in the hypothetical scenario where my party chairman had asked “to hate socialism.” On the French television
Recently, I announced that the hostility towards the N-VA would increase. single with the election in prospect “The fear is back with a vengeance” and we will have known. That was the message of the New Year’s speech by Bart De Wever. Our words are unfortunately faster than imagined. We are hated. That hurts and it costs me nothing to admit that. Or what about the Ostend president of Young Green tweets that he “wants to kick once Bart De Wever firmly in the balls” and not even for the finger is tapped? ‘Humorous meant, “he states.
Apparentlyneed people and parties who want to change the system can tolerate than those who defend the status quo. more So be it, but let words like hate anyway better not. news in your Facebook newsfeed
25-01-14 08:00 – Source: Parool
Teun Kitchen. © Floris Lok
talent is not a format, but a talent show with a rotating chair or
Whether newspapers, magazines, radio or television programs, is formatted a storm on the loose in all media. programs, articles and even entire magazines meet a fixed pattern: open with an easily digestible topic a bit to be, laughing over something more serious and heavy managers, then quickly to the music to the listener too much the witless hunt (an easy catchy hit song from the 80s so) and then a cheerful sports block.
Something like this is even entirely fictional example I just now shaking off my sleeve, but you understand what I mean. The next day the same. Although another subject and airy serieuzers something else, another hit song from the 80s and other sports in the block, but the structure, the format remains the same. That gives recognition. And keep the reader, viewer and listener. At least, that know the makers of all those programs and magazines.
A good format is invaluable, especially in television. It is a kind of patent. In a thick tome all the specifics of the program: how does it play, what kind of candidates, how is it filmed etc. Only when it is specific enough, it is difficult to copy without the steal istalent is not a format, but a talent show with a rotating chair (unique element that was not there before) though. If it is too easy repeatable by others (a documentary format is not) then there is nothing in the way of international success. By developing such formats and sell globally is John de Mol rich. Every television producer dreams of a golden format.
My wife loves programs and magazines about houses, design and interiors. Television about people who are looking for homes, building and remodeling. Sheets and you’re looking at people’s homes (usually in Scandinavia and in the Netherlands.) With useful tips! These blades are exactly the same every week, but a little different. idem sed altiter to speak. the philosopher Why would you buy that week in week out? Less format like, surprise us!
(By: Teun Kitchen) Photo: Reuters
Avro makes Friday that there was re-signed for two new seasons.
“For ten years we’ll make it Koefnoen program,” say creators Owen Schumacher and Paul Groot.
“The broadcaster gives us the freedom to do what we want, and with whom we want the program has a format that fits anywhere:. we can change seasonally and freshen up a bit.”
“And the news is never boring so it’s a privilege and a great pleasure to again be allowed to use. new episodes the next two years”
Remco van Leen, media director Avro bunch, is also pleased with the continued Koefnoen. “After ten years, the program is still very popular with the public. For me Koefnoen a unique combination of content and humor.”
NUNSPEET – The broadcast of the screening File GLD TV Gelderland to Thursday (19.30) images shown from the raid on the Xenos in Nunspeet January 14 this year.
surveillance, according to the police clearly, but the man was well disguised. The police want to know if there are people who recognize the man, his clothes if necessary.
The assailant tried to commit just before closing. armed robbery of the Xenos to the main street on the deliberate Tuesday He threatened an employee of the store with a knife and forced so to give her. The contents of the cash register However, the employee began to scream loud and ran away. The guy just came after her, but then decided nevertheless to choose. Their heels
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In the new television series, the actor, like Cosby and The Cosby Show, seen as the patriarch of a family. The actor and producer Tom Werner are now looking for writers for the still unnamed project. It is not yet clear if the series is in the tube.
The 76-year-old Cosby showed last year that it intends to work on a comedy series about a family. “I want to make a show for a channel,” he said in November against Yahoo. “There are people who comedy, warmth, love, surprises and something clever to see on television.”
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” Do not show this block
Bill Cosby will star in a new TV series play. American broadcaster NBC working with the actor in a comedy series, writes the American movie site Deadline. The actor and comedian starred in the eighties and nineties, starring in TV series like Cosby and The Cosby Show.
In the new television series, the actor, like Cosby and The Cosby Show, seen as the patriarch of a family. The actor and producer Tom Werner are now looking for writers for the still unnamed project. It is not yet clear if the series is in the tube.
The 76-year-old Cosby showed last year that it intends to work on a comedy series about a family. “ I want to make a show for a channel ,” he said in November against Yahoo. “There are people who comedy, warmth, love, surprises and something clever to see on television. ”
Source: Novum
» 22/01 ‘NGC’s Scam City is not fake 37
» 21/01 Utopiaan Andrea’s ‘separation tiefus sacred whore’ 52
» 20/01 Second occupant leaves Utopia 39
» 19/01 40% NL’ers goes ‘bing watching’ 74
American Elias Phoenix is ??barely seven years and can play the piano as the best, which demonstrated the boy during a broadcast of “The Ellen Degeneres Show.”
When the boy with long blond hair Degeneres met in the studio, he was overjoyed. He could not sit still and hugged the blonde presentarice several times. ‘What happens to you? “She asked., “I’m just really happy to be here,” said the young beast show.
After the enthusiastic introduction Elias could sit at the piano and he demonstrated that he can play. quickly and flawlessly Degeneres did occur after an announcement that no one saw coming: “Besides, there are two of these boys. Elias has a twin brother Zion. The latter – just as enthusiastic as Elias – came and the two spent their version of “Gold Digger” by Kanye West.
Watch the piano piece from 3:40 minutes.
Watch “Gold Digger” by Elias and Zion
BIRMINGHAM – The British have a new Coronation Street: Benefits Street. A street in Birmingham full assistance recipients who, thanks to a documentary series nilly have become celebrities.
“Holy shit, it drives White Dee!” Dave does not hesitate and void after the car in which the best-known of England sits on welfare. Vain. Once she has brought her car to a stop looking ‘White Dee’ the safety of its social housing on. “Too bad, I would like to voice her” …
13:07 In The Edge In the United States, a man last week a remarkable theft committed. Surveillance cameras from a supermarket in Clearwater in the state of Florida filming how a thief a large TV stuck under the arm and casually skateboarding all day with them went. Reported that the local newspaper Tampa Bay Times .
According to police, the robbery happened in just three minutes. The suspect walked just before closing the store and walked toward the electronics department. He took a 32-inch LCD TV, jump on his skateboard and it bulged towards the exit.
When the thief came to the exit, an observant employee of the store stopped him. The skater took out a knife and then ran at full speed from the supermarket. Police in Clearwater was impressed by the original theft, but says that it is a serious offense. The offender is then detected.
In the United States last week, a man committed a remarkable theft. Surveillance cameras from a supermarket in Clearwater in the state of Florida filming how a thief a large TV stuck under the arm and casually skateboarding all day with them went. Reported that the local newspaper Tampa Bay Times .
According to police, the robbery happened in just three minutes. The suspect walked just before closing the store and walked toward the electronics department. He took a 32-inch LCD TV, jump on his skateboard and it bulged towards the exit.
When the thief came to the exit, an observant employee of the store stopped him. The skater took out a knife and then ran at full speed from the supermarket. Police in Clearwater was impressed by the original theft, but says that it is a serious offense. The offender is then detected.
An Italian nun last week a healthy baby into the world put. Reportedly she “had no idea that she is pregnant …
‘real-life Spider-Man “is one of his nicknames. A Ukrainian daredevil over the world on high racks, …
On Sunday there were in Kiev more than 100 wounded during clashes between members of the pro-European opposition and the security forces.
On an average day in the park, a Russian man takes his girlfriend to harshly. It comes to a scuffle and …
19/01 Zandhoven Zandhoven (2240) Huize Bruyneel was Sunday morning too small for the occurrence of Tri Viocal, sisters and brother Verlinden from Viersel a excellent chance threw in Belgium’s Got Talent last year on VTM. The oldest, Anke (27) can also join in February in The Voice.
Rene Celens of the Academy of Music, Drama and Dance in Zandhoven had people have refused to aperitif Tri Viocal, much interest was there to hear. consider the three live at work “There may be here, but sit fifty listeners so unfortunately I have some people to disappoint,” said Celens who Anke (27), Nikki (26) and Jennik (23) Verlinden remembers when she and young children at the Music Academy in zandhoven studied.Various music teachers Zandhoven Lier and therefore came especially for the aperitif. “I suppose you are attributing to Belgium’s Got Talent effect that our concert is now sold out,” says Nikki. The Viersel inhabitants stranded in the semi-final because the jury to choose their number was unhappy.
“We were so happy that we got from thousands of entries so far,” says Nikki. “Once you’ve been on TV, it is easier to decorate. Performances”It was Nikki Tri Viocal had signed up for the talent show. Secretly “I just told my sister and brother when we were invited to the selection. They went immediately agreed.” Sorry they do not have their participation, though Nikki do it a second time. “We had to present ourselves differently than we really are. Much more expressive, large arm movements and other clothing, because it was for television.”
Nikki and Jennik are both professionally involved with music. Meanwhile, they give themselves all classes. Anke has recently started working in a warehouse. Soon she goes solo on television, because the eldest of Tri Viocal has registered for The Voice, the talent with which were folding chairs known professional musicians blind – only the votes continuing – must compose your own team. “When I applied, I was still looking for work,” says Anke. “At The Voice turns still more purely about the music than in Belgium’s Got Talent, where dance and circus acts are discussed., I can not even tell if I am selected, everyone in February, but look.”Many visitors to the aperitif already promised to vote when there is. by Anke “Their music has been through a long evolution. Previously it was more jazz, whilst influences of pop, blues, cabaret, chanson, folk and even tango and Indian music have heard today,” says Guy Michielsen from Pulderbos, who began at the music of Zandhoven, then went to the conservatory and the Lemmens Institute and meanwhile piano teacher. “Their music is very eclectic. I also find it very clever that they do everything themselves, from the instruments to the attributes.” Rene Celens also complimented the trio. “It makes me proud that when I see people really break through and continue in music, like Guy Michielsen and Tri Viocal.”
Nikki told that even Anke wrote more and more songs for Tri Viocal.KRISTIN Matthyssen
German television ZDF was the U.S. president bows for an exclusive interview. The call will only be aired tonight at 22:45, but the station has been released here and there some details.
the U.S. President in the interview his German counterpart, Chancellor Angela Merkel reassured. As long as he is president, all communication from the Germans kept confidential sounds. According to Obama, there namely a friendship and trust between the U.S. and Germany.
The German justice minister Heiko Maas believes that the trust will be, if the U.S. signed an agreement that protects all data traffic law.
newly restored
Kim-Lian van der Meij started her career in the Mini-Playbackshow, broke through as a singer and performed in musicals and soap operas.
Wednesday she presents the benefit gala Rise Against Cancer , her last big job for the AVRO. To grow she shifted to SBS 6. Kim-Lian (33) looks back and looks ahead.
“Because I think that cancer affects everyone. Everyone has someone in his family environment, or who has been affected by the disease. The worst is when you have to lose your child. By such a terrible disease That’s my biggest nightmare. But I believe that science can make in the fight against cancer significant steps forward, in the future everyone would be able to survive this. I hope that by that time the doctors may say you’re going to get better. The statistics show tremendous progress see, there are steps to be taken. Let them do that then. But there is need money, lots of money. Research is very expensive, there are incredible people to work. “
“Well, a happy ending … In my experience the highlight last year was the presentation of the Golden Televizier Ring Gala . It was my dream that night to present all by himself. That was my biggest thing, that that was entrusted to me. Stand Against Cancer has more intrinsic value. In that sense it is also a nice farewell. I just hope it’s not a final goodbye, and that I may come back. Occasionally as a guest I leave at the AVRO just friends behind. Saying goodbye is never fun. AVRO was disappointed that I left, but allowed me to the next step. I also found it a shame, because I’ve had a really nice time and learned a lot. “
“The AVRO I can make to children’s television entertainment for adults. transition That battle, I wanted to make, that was for me a very important step to move forward. And I can still more by suits at SBS 6. In the AVRO is no longer possible in the coming years. A program like Strictly Come Dancing , which I have presented, with Reinout Oerlemans on Saturday night live is not coming back. The TV package remains the same. And I try every year new steps. It must remain a challenge, I want to grow in my work. That can at SBS 6. I can make more flying hours and wide to develop myself as a presenter. “
“I think it’s a good start to connect to live TV. many hours It is a talk show in a cozy setting with entertainment, lifestyle, news and a variety of themes. For me it is something very new. It’s exciting and interesting to make. It means that I must be very aware of what is happening in the world every day. I took subscriptions to newspapers and must now read the tabloids. In the morning I have been preparing myself to what I find interesting, which we will invite guests
Today Show , to start my base, three times a week at half past five in the evening. Furthermore, I’m going to present six two major entertainment programs of eight episodes in the spring. SBS A new show and a program which has already been aired before. I’m really looking forward to it. 2014 Let it come! “
“Theatre I like the most. Dancing, singing, acting: in musicals can I rid myself of a lot more than in presenting programs. But you have six times a week for step. Such a musical tour swallows you up completely. It is very heavy and difficult to combine with my television work and my family. Probably will not happen in 2014, maybe 2015 again.
On Today Show I currently have my hands full. I can not do other things with it. And I am very busy with the kids. I am so of them to enjoy. It happens every week something new. I really want to miss a moment. Besides doing great work, I want to be a good mother. That is my feeling very well. I feel that I’ve found. “The right balance
A total of 36 times in an official darts game on television there was a nine-darter. In nine of these 36 cases was the same referee on the stage. His name? Bruce Spendley.
Like many officials in the darts Spendley made its debut at the former Embassy – the current BDO World Championship darts. That was in 1982. Since that time, he was almost continuously one of the mastercallers in all major tournaments of the BDO. That went on until 1993. The year Spendley – along with his colleague Freddie Williams switched to the PDC, then and now the main competitor of the BDO
Most of the performance, so you may want to throw a nine-darter as well, is the name of a man: Phil Taylor. Yet there are also some other toppers that memorable nine-darters have thrown.
So our Raymond van Barneveld the first participant in the Premier League of Darts that a 9-darter produced. That happened on March 23, 2006 in a match against Peter Manley, of course, led by Bruce Spendley.
The first left-handed darts player who ever managed to produce a 9-darter James Wade was at the Grand Slam of Darts on November 20, 2008. And when Bruce Spendley stood as an arbitrator on the podium.
After the PDC World Championship 2012 – a nine-darter Dean Winstanley – was the last of the great Bruce Spendley with the calling of 9-darters
The second half of the PDC World Championship final in 2013 between Phil Taylor and Michael van Gerwen was the last official match of Bruce Spendley. After this he joined the PDC Hall of Fame and is retired after a career of more than 30 years.
Read also: BDO darts It is really time for a live nine-darter at Lakeside
Read also: Darts Bunting and Darryl Fitton also active with soft tip darts
Read also: BDO Darts Martin Adams Is the last great star of the BDO
Also read: Darts oldies also did poorly
Read also: PDC Increase main prize PDC tournaments the
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