Thursday, July 25, 2013

Chrome Cast streaming content to your television - Personal Computer Magazine

Google yesterday launched Chrome Cast. This is an HDMI dongle that lets you easily stream content to your TV from your smartphone, tablet or laptop.

After the long-awaited launch of Android 4.3 and a new Nexus 7 tablet, Google had during its press event on Wednesday with Chrome Cast a surprise in store.

With Google Chrome Cast doing another attempt to conquer. the living room The Chrome Cast is a small HDMI dongle (5 centimeters) that plugs into your TV and connect your smartphone, tablet or laptop via Android or Chrome.

Chrome Cast streaming content like YouTube videos or other media from your phone to your TV via the cloud. Your device acts as a remote control. Because the content is streamed from the cloud – and not from your phone – you can feel free to do other things while streaming, such as surfing or checking emails. This also means that the stream will go on when you leave with your phone. The stream can then still stopped by with another phone to sign up.

at the Chrome Cast

For developers, the new Google launched Cast SDK so they can build. functionality Chrome Cast in their apps The Chrome Cast works with both Android and iOS devices, the Chromebook Pixel and the Chrome browser on Windows or Mac.

Chrome Cast costs $ 35 and you just need a TV with HDMI connection to connect. it on your TV Preliminary sw gadget comes only in the United States on the market, but other countries will follow as soon as possible. So it remains to be seen if the Chrome Cast in the Benelux appears.

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