The BBC began in 2011 with a pilot project of two years, with several major events and programs were broadcast, including the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games and the dance program “Strictly come dancing” in 3D. At the end of this year, ending the project and stop the 3D broadcasts “indefinitely”.
technology refers not to a large audience, it reads at the BBC. During the opening ceremony of the Olympics looked even half of the approximately 1.5 million families with a 3D TV effectively in 3D to the show. In recent programs found that less than 5 percent.
Kim Shillinglaw, that the pilot project led by the BBC, believes that television and cinema, 3D or where the integration is experienced differently. “I think that people who watch television to concentrate on a very different way. When people go to the movies, they are only concerned with one thing. I think that’s one of the reasons is that the emergence of 3D television is disappointing . “
“We’ll see what happens when the recession is over and will be, perhaps more 3D televisions sold but I expect the BBC now is wait. It’s a good time for a break,” said Shillinglaw. Last month also stopped the ESPN broadcasting in 3D because there was little interest from viewers.
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