Tuesday, March 8, 2016

“Television and YouTubers are important to each other ‘- Metronieuws.nl

The one after another YouTuber joins forces with a television. Thursday signed Giel, Thomas and Stefan, YouTube channel StukTV, a two-year contract with RTL. But to what extent the two platforms can help each other

Media Scientist Linda Deutsch does not find it surprising that broadcasters get YouTubers: “It is a logical consequence of the emerging Internet technology. Because the mainstream media, including television, want to maintain their power, they need to see the young generation back to the tube to get. “And the group is now available on the computer, YouTube videos.

in addition to using the popularity of YouTubers, calling media programs in life that young viewers should appeal anymore. “So SBS example engaged with Cutest Websnacks in.”

The ‘lost’ reclaiming target not only provides better viewing figures, but also more advertisers: “Young people do well with advertisers because they still not brand loyal, “said German.

Old tricks

Despite the growing internet generation, television remains the most powerful medium. “People like to believe in the illusion of zero to hero, but no one is suddenly a star, even a YouTuber not. Which has the television just as hard to win followers for themselves. “

In addition YouTubers fit the old fashioned TV tricks far, because people like the feeling of” something to live together “hold. “Where television programs their live broadcasts announcing grand to get people to the tube, let YouTubers know when their next video comes online.”

Suitable format

That does not mean that YouTubers so with their channel may be on television: “on television gengreregels are different, tailored to the zapping behavior of viewers. A band should therefore example only play half minutes, while a YouTube video can go on forever. “Therefore sought a partnership to a suitable format to be.


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