Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The impact of television on web traffic – Marketingfacts

On Monday, May 11th phoned we were called by radar and we heard that the Photo Factory that same night on TV would be declared the winner of the photo book test . Immediately I wondered what effect this would have on the number of (real-time) visitors to our website and in the longer term orders. Herewith the results.

A call from radar

We got Monday, May 11th called by radar and heard the same evening on television would be declared the winner of the book test. Immediately I wondered what effect this would have on the number of (real-time) visitors Photo Factory. To gain insight into the impact I decided to make a video recording of the real-time list in Google Analytics. Through this video recording then sync with the TV broadcast, the question was answered. In addition, I looked at what the impact was on the visit traffic during the days and weeks after the broadcast.

2500 real-time visitor

How does a consumer program on television with a range of 1557 000 viewers and a 10 per cent audience share (source: Audience Research Foundation) on the real-time web traffic of a website

The TV broadcast of radar began immediately with the photo book test?. At the introduction of the tested providers photobook called Photo Factory and the logo came into view. However, this did not affect the number of real visitors. Even when after a few minutes the logo of Photo Factory was shown again, in combination with positive feedback, were notable changes in the real-time view from.

However, the final results of the photo book test caused a breakdown. After about nine minutes exclaimed Antoinette Hertsenberg, presenter of Radar, Photo Factory as the winner of the photo book test, as “the best and the cheapest.” Within a reaction time of less than 10 seconds lap up the number of real visitors. Within five minutes, this increased by an almost constant growth from tens to about 2,500 visitors in real-time.

Amazingly enough there was a whopping 50 percent of these visitors peak of desktop traffic. Although this group of visitors especially from TV viewers of the broadcast should exist, this still will instantly crawled behind a laptop or computer to visit the web site has. The remaining visitors from the peak comprised 33 percent and 17 percent tablet mobile traffic.

Even though the item on books for less than ten minutes, the outflow of visitors peak lasted until a few hours after the broadcast. Until late in the evening Photo Factory received hundreds of additional visitors to the website. In about three hours, this resulted in around 8,000 extra sessions. These visits were mainly from direct traffic and paid / organic search traffic, the search for the brand by far the strongest was increased. There was also much sought after in terms around “radar books.”

The bounce rate decreased significantly and the number of pages per session increased. Many pages there were photo books, but also pages on other product groups, such as wall decorations, calendars and cards, were well attended. There was also a considerable increase in the number of newsletter subscriptions and software interactions (an important step to conversions Photo Factory).

A day after the broadcast

On Tuesday afternoon, May 12, the photo book test was on tv repeated. The telecast had a range of only 74 000 viewers and 0.5 per cent audience share (source: Audience Research Foundation). In this broadcast were there within Google Analytics also see no obvious changes in the real-time statistics. Despite this repetition few seemed to add, the show was already put by the Monday night broadcast.

Photo Factory received this day a further 7,000 additional sessions, in addition to many newsletter subscriptions and software interactions also caused a significant increase in classroom activities. For example, the chat was open more often, it was more the bell rang and there were more e-mails than that average measured on an average Tuesday.

Many of the classroom showed that this is clearly a result of the Radar was telecast. A special detail is that sometimes also referred to the TV program Kassa as a reason to visit Photo Factory.

The week of Radar

The first seven days of the first TV broadcast finally caused more than 20,000 additional sessions and approximately 100,000 additional unique pages. From almost every channel there was a marked increase in visitors, but especially direct traffic and paid / organic search traffic showed by far the strongest growth.

Most of the additional traffic can be attributed to branding. A large proportion of visitors visited the website namely directly by the exact address to type in, or directed to look at photos Factory in search engines such as Google

The results after seven days:.

  • 20,000+ additional sessions
  • 100 000 additional unique pages
  • 4700 extra software interactions
  • 1250 extra newsletter subscriptions
  • 400 extra orders

A month later

One month after the TV broadcast was the direct impact on online search behavior practically no longer measurable. Where in the first days was frequently searched for terms around “Radar books” was followed a month Only a few times a day to search.

Despite the direct impact on search behavior is not understandable the impact on branding is still clearly visible. After a month, within Google still nearly twice searched Photo Factory as before the company was declared the winner of the photo book test

An estimated Radar ensured after a month for more than 50,000 extra sessions, which are now also several hundred have resulted in an order. Because creating photo books can sometimes take some time, it is logical that it took some time for the number of orders increased. However, it is no longer possible to pass even the direct influence after a month to turnover.

The influence of television

Television can still play an important role in the choice of an online shop. Where a television commercial potential but has moderate influence, the influence of a well-known consumer program is obvious. Then, if the expectations of the many new visitors and customers can be met, can be built here many strong customer relationships.


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