Michiel Buitelaar say is errant. to own “I’m still in the limbo of the Sanoma-less era.” He Sanoma, the company he worked for five years, abandoned. And without being too deep to go into the why, he would lose it: “I found that I was ready there. It seemed time for anything else. (…) I am not a football coach, but I think it in some other places also plays:. You’re first few years the most effective “Thus Buitelaar in this episode of Top Names
“Abundance and transparency”
Buitelaar in the period that he worked quickly see the world change. at Sanoma Where magazine designers help people including through the trees to see the forest itself is found by searching online a lot easy and indescribable gotten much better. “People may find almost everything themselves and raking together.” This is difficult for a company that offers content, whether it comes to newspapers, magazines or television. On the one hand because people are no longer willing to pay for content that they can find for free. On the other hand, because ad revenue decline, partly because advertising sales measure who sees what.
exactlyBuitelaar summarizes the trends along with the concepts of abundance and transparency. “Then you can go for interpretation or so, the floor. That’s hard to realize, but there are people thank God very brave doing. Or you can go for specific relevance: news or coverage for very small audiences. But the model of a newspaper that is largely based on the combination of news and advertisements, which is almost gone. Newspapers are also gradually becoming more magazines. “
“Everything is different”
Yet Buitelaar not gloomy. “I do not think the situation is so universally bleak as some people sketches, but the world of media is of course very different.” Also it depends very much on where you focus your business like. “When NU.nl would cease to exist tomorrow, would seriously annoying for some people, but if everyone then run to start paying? There to Volkskrant.nl I doubt it very much. “
Well Buitelaar think there is money to be made with aggregate or offering very specific, a clear target valuable content. “There’s B2B-like content of legal, scientific or technical nature which really smack it with money earned.” Self pay Buitelaar example for virtually everything he reads. Because he can afford it and because it almost always involves very specific topics. Whether he means an exception? “People will always want to stay a little pay for content, but you should be aware that this can shift. And it will be difficult to pay for the bundle of general interest content people. On the other hand, it is quite remarkable to see what is being paid for football on TV compared to six years ago. Heaps more. And I think people are going to spend much more to football and what’s around it. “
“Watch TV stands still”
It is certain that in ten years nothing is the same. That sounds like a cliché, but the developments are hard. Companies are already busy to change themselves Buitelar signals. Some will save others only in reduced form. And what Buitelaar itself going to do? He does not know. He is enthusiastic about WappZapp, the app that lets you create, where he advisor is your own online television evening “I hope I can add something.” Television and developments in this area seem to fascinate him. Anyway “Tim Cook (Apple CEO ed.) and I find that if you sit down for a TV it looks like you have an experience of 25 years. He said in a recent interview. I have nothing against TV but it is an experience that really has stood still, apart from the fact that there are 100 channels are added. In the field of video also see the emergence of special interest channels, you see non linear applications, you can see the unbundling of content. That fascinates me. “
Erwin Blom, Fast Moving Targets
Erwin Blom (Wormer, 1961) is a former head of the Digital division of the VPRO and co-founder of The Crowds, a company that specializes in ‘social media’ and ‘Fast Moving Targets’, a platform for innovation the field of media, technology and communications.
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