At the end of the second season drugs Baroness Carmen stood on top of the monkey rock. But now she wants to lead a lawful life. The exciting series on the Dutch television explodes.
The last scene of the last season of Penoza was cheerful, hopeful and peaceful. Carmen married John and everyone at the wedding had a very fine time. But this relative calm is over in the third season of the crime series Penoza .
soonCarmen is now at the head of a criminal organization and to stay there, it must be hard. Though she has other plans for the future.
Female hero in man’s world
leading lady Monic Hendrickx was glad she could temporarily steps again. crime shoes Carmen “She started as a woman. Someone who did not like the underworld and there also had absolutely no knowledge of. But now she stands her ground.
Carmen is a female hero in a man’s world. And that is quite new. But I’m not playing a butch, I’m not step into that world with the power of a man. I use my female intuition and charms that world to stay in control and keep. Afloat This makes the series very exciting, I’m not finished with Carmen. “
Penoza feeling
Amsterdam crime boss was in the previous two sets everything necessary for her to choose. Her husband and brother were killed, she was threatened by the local mafia and put yourself a godfather (Henk Ooms, played by Willem Nijholt) to.
ButPenoza runs initially not to the action, the series is mainly about family. That’s according to writer Peter Bart Korthuis the base of the series. “That’s what we call the Penoza -feeling. If the episodes are too many exec-paf-poof, or if it only deals with drug trafficking, we must on the brakes. The all about Carmen as a mother, not to Carmen the felony. “
Bloedjes of children
And Carmen Walraven get many little things to make her children this season. Short House: “As a mother she has a totally different position than in the first two seasons concerns are greater if you always have your kids at home, you can catch the problems a day
…But Lucien
now stand on their own feet and Nathalie and that creates a lot of uncertainty. You can see that the problems that arise very often this season starting from the children. The question is: can you walk around with impunity in crime without your kids get a slap of the mill “
Willem Holleeder
The second theme of Penoza 3 is that Carmen slowly thinking about saying goodbye. It was beautiful, she wants to lead a life without legally but always having to look over her shoulder. “Carmen gets a kick out of to assert itself in the man’s world,” said Monic Hendricxx.
“Yet she has plans to get out, but in a way so that they need not fear for her life..” Whether they will succeed Peter Bart Short House: “The cliché is that once you grow up in the crime world, you never can safely retire. Well, people who can know, have assured me that it can. But you have to do it in a decent way. You need the people grow. Slowly upwards under your Carmen has it all planned. “
And for viewers who doubt the realism of the series, Hendrickx says:. “Crime Journalists say the storylines pretty nice come close to reality And I heard through the grapevine that even Willem Holleeder also said that nice realistic are. That’s a nice compliment, haha. “
growing audience of Penoza steadily. Season 2 was even better looking than one season. “And then not even the viewers through Uitzendinggemist counted,” said Short House. “Many people see there all the episodes in succession and I find that very special. People are always talking about American series they look in a weekend, we have created a series that is just as addictive “
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