the influence of the iPhone solely by Google and its Smartphone operating system Android, the Smartphones of Samsung, LG, Motorola, Xiaomi and many other manufacturers run will be Limited. Jobs pointed at the Premiere of the iPhone ten years, how much Apple have protected the device and the Software by patents. In a most bitterly fought patent war, many of the patents proved to be virtually ineffective. Apple could only enforce minor successes against Samsung in court, but the success of Android stop. The Google System now runs to well over 80 percent of all Smartphones, however, Apple deserves to be in the industry, the predominant share of the profits. Apple CEO Tim Cook and Google co-founder Larry Page in laid the patent war 2014.
The enormous economic success of the iPhone also made sure that environmentalists and human rights activists, Apple accounted for the problems of the industry as a whole is responsible. Greenpeace put the time in 2007, with Steve Jobs and lamented that in the iPhone’s hazardous chemicals will be used. Also, for lousy working conditions at Chinese contract manufacturer Foxconn has been made, especially Apple, is responsible, not the other Foxconn customers such as Hewlett-Packard, Dell, Microsoft, or Sony. And every September, when Apple presented its new Smartphone model, inflame, consumer advocates debate whether it is actually necessary to buy a new iPhone.

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