Former TMF VJ and actress Sonja Silva (39) returns to the Dutch television after a break of ten years. The stomach reduction thanks to a 50 kilos brunette presents for RTL4 two programs – World Live and From Passion to Career – coming this fall on the tube. ,, I love to do now I get so comfortable in my skin, ” said Sonja who never worrying to remove here and there some slack.
Sonja Silva still can not get over it. Less than a month ago she had at home “a nice conversation” with her life partner Pyke Pos about that maybe they would gladly return to television. ,, In recent years I have had dozens of different jobs, but really happy I was not there. I had, because of my obesity, also no desire to get on TV with my unhappy head. So I had all sorts jobjes out of the limelight. Still it was itching to once again stand before the cameras. Great was my surprise when I shortly after my conversation with Pyke suddenly got a message from a production company. If I wanted to present two programs, the question was. Without a moment’s hesitation I said yes. “
One program (From Passion to Career) she does with Dounia Rijkschroeff. ,, It is from January 1 every Sunday on television. And format – how you can make your appeal of your dream – fit me like a glove. I too have had the greatest difficulty in recent years to find a job that suits me. “” Program number two is about living. ,, But not just about furniture and interior design trends. We also focus on many other issues such as financial opportunities in the homes sector. ”
Double feel
Although she is very happy with her new TV job she has a somewhat mixed feelings. ,, In recent years, I was much too thick and Hilversum did not see me. Now I’m slim, I’m suddenly interesting again and the picture. I get that in my case. Nobody sits there waiting to watch an obese Sonja. Furthermore, I felt not optimal and had a gloomy, negative appearance. I just was not happy with myself. Now, after that stomach reduction, clearly does. You see the first episodes of the programs. I pop, though I say it myself, back in touch with the tube. Sonja’s is back. And how ”
Her weight -. Almost 50 kilos lighter than before – is currently stable. ,, As I appearance if it is fine. I no longer fall off. Probably my body achieved a sort of balance. “” Her overweight, so she stresses, left little marks on her body. ,, I really had terrible luck. Of course I’m not as tight as when I was eighteen, but it is certainly not the case that the sheets hanging there. Surgery to remove excess skin is thankfully not necessary, ” says Sonja hoping that the two programs are the beginning of more.
#epic #soproud today recorded the promo for my new program “Living World” this autumn #wereldswonen on RTL4 # rtl4 #miklomedia #happy #crew The final befor and after ..! 14 months after my gastric bypass # -46,7kg #soveryhappy #workhard #newbody #nofilter #celebration #nohatershere

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