As in the Netherlands also participates in Belgium viewership to continue off analogue television. Currently watching 84 percent of Belgians TV via a digital connection. According to figures from the BIPT (Belgian Institute for Postal Services and Telecommunications) .In Netherlands looks nearly 90 percent of television households via a “digital connection”.
“dying race”
“Last year the number of analogue viewers dropped by over 15 percent. At that rate, they will soon be a dying breed, “says BIPT council member Luc Vanfleteren. Late last year had BIPT 575 577 connections with some analogue television, while in 2010 there were more than 1.7 million.
Television market grows
Belgian television market increased in 2015 1.6% or 72 493 connections. Digital TV grew by 4.8% to 3.9 million lines, enough to offset a 15% decline in the number of analogue TV connections. Added increases the total number of TV connections by 1.6 percentage points to 4,474,959.
More earnings
In 2015, the Belgian TV market generated 1097 million in retail revenues TV subscriptions (or an increase in TV revenues by 4.9%), mainly due to face additional
income on demand and premium packages.
“standalone services”
the number of “stand alone” service takes off in Belgium: TV is 70% of so-called multi-in-1 bundles while fixed telephony, 79% of all connections are part of a multiplay package. For fixed broadband, this percentage rises to 83%. The most popular bundle remains a combination of fixed broadband, fixed telephony and TV (45% of the total number of beams), despite the advance of the bundles that group fixed and mobile services (from 32 to 36% of the total number of beams).

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