Tuesday, December 17, 2013

How can television help advance civilization? - New Reporter

Countless documentaries set deplorable conditions in the world at the jaw. Documentaries that are made with the best intentions. But, asks Hans Aarsman himself, is a documentary proper form if you want to improve the world with film Should a documentary showing what is unjust in the world?

Suppose that Adolf Hitler had a sense of humor. neighbor at home However, a neighbor: I do not see my neighbors so often, maybe we should humor closer to the little Adolf situate. Suppose that Adolf Hitler had a sense of humor a father. Thus someone a thing with a twist into perspective. Could World War II have come? The Holocaust?

healthy dose of humor

Can not be a coincidence that so little was giggling with the Nazis. These sleek, weighty, conceited heads, there was no smile from. Were of course other times, life was more severe than now, the aftermath of the lost First World War, a lot of poverty and murder and manslaughter. But even in violent times, a healthy dose of humor have a disarming effect. Even ruthless fanaticism, and even before it rears its head.

What kind of humor, father Hitler have? The Jewish humor of someone like Jerry Seinfeld is perhaps too much, I think we have to look in the direction of Bassie and Adriaan lake. Do you know the way how Bassie and Adriaan are called in Germany? Who dares to say that you can not laugh?

with Germans

Suppose we could go back in time, how we can ensure that there is something to lose bellies fell in the Hitler poses at home? Hitler did not have a father himself little humor. Humor comes from within. Had they lived together, we had Hitler poses a TV can provide. Subscribe to Comedy Central with it. They had daily good example on the floor. It seems a ridiculous idea, but who knows.

TV is flat and stupid


benefit more often from unexpected sources. In intellectual circles is sometimes patronizing condescension done on television. Intellectuals like television flat and stupid. Say you have no television, throw it high eyes (I myself have no one). But what if TV was not flat, not stupid. Suppose that television would have on civilization, a positive effect how could you prove?

India could, because the satellite was so poor and expensive that large parts of the rural population only with the introduction of cable television in 2001 went to watch. first The construction of cable throughout the country took many years to complete that look at differences in socio-cultural attitudes between areas with and without television.

it was possible

where cable television was turned the self-consciousness of women than what was no cable greater. Rape and murder, even by his own family, women in India for centuries hangs overhead, but where television arrived, it did not take long before women went to school, were beaten less, families became smaller, the preference for sons fell. What happened in the past year, all those demonstrations with irate women over a student who was raped by a van full of boys and dead on the street was left, that’s never been done in India.

television series full of romance

What programs would have been the change in the self-consciousness of Indian women brought cause? There have been, over the years, hundreds of documentaries about the harsh conditions of the Indian population lives India. Women, children, boys, girls, even men. But they do not get there on television documentaries, and when they come on television, then at most once.


what constantly comes on television and a large popularity, television full of romance who buy Indian networks in the west. Therein women how their gender counterparts in the west men to their fingers winds. Well, their fingers winds, compared with women in India then.

Who would have thought that now reach television from afar over the many documentaries that expose appalling conditions in the country? Even those documentaries made with the best intentions? Or maybe because they are made with the best intentions.

Good intentions

I have nothing against good intentions. It’s just that you’re nowhere with good intentions. Then it begins. Is a documentary proper form if you want to improve the world with film Should a documentary showing what is unjust in the world? Or should a documentary just something righteous for his guests, so you have an ideal in mind?

from your misery

Pity breed shows time and again to deliver more for organizations than those directly involved. Their lives will not change really, when they take the reins. What makes people ripe? Have certainly influenced the Indian women’s emancipation.

Western television

But in the West itself, as they had the same effect? Imagine, that would be great. That television can also help. Civilization forward What would be the next step? The financial world, the banks! How to get the rebels against the stranglehold of the banks. West extent And do not accuse, but to show how it can be different. May be a soap opera, a sitcom, a documentary, a series of documentaries, do not care, if it only comes rebellion.

This article is from 609, the magazine of the Media Fund. The latest edition is dedicated to IDFA.

Who wants to read all the articles from the latest edition of the magazine: pdf of 609 can be found on the website of the Mediafonds.nl


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